Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What To Do When Your Asked To Sign A Prenup

Odyssey Editorial (3 months and 3 weeks)

Although normally update every Tuesday to keep you abreast of new publications , they are so small or insubstantial do not think it worthwhile or create an entry to count.
Well, I must not break the habit and to vent a little.

No major developments. The "new" latest I have is a " not be heavy, we'll take whatever we ask we like it or not " diplomat from a publisher to whom I sent my proposal editorial y manuscrito y que me dijo que "en breve" me dirían algo.
Tras un par de semanas escribí preguntando si se habían leido la propuesta y si les había gustado (la propuesta, ojo, no el manuscrito, éste ya sabía que no se lo habrían leído aún) y me han dicho que aún están en ello, que (cito textualmente) " estas cosas llevan su tiempo ".
Como ya dije en otra entrada, entiendo perfectamente que leer y evaluar un manuscrito (que suelen tener una media de 200 páginas) lleve su tiempo, ¿pero leerse 15 páginas de una propuesta editorial? (que lleva, al menos la mía: una nota biográfica de la autora, una sinopsis two pages, three sample chapters and a brief market survey of a leaf and a half). To know if that interests you is more than two weeks?

I know, yes, I am aware that my proposal is not the only they have and also to read proposals will have to do many other things in an editorial, but I still believe that it is difficult to read this and decide if you want to read the entire manuscript or not take that long. The "noes" are fast ...

But of course, then there are the publishers that ask the manuscript and and not return to show signs life ... (As one whose name I withhold for the moment) so at least I have to thank that I continue answering.

Anyway, forgive this moment of complaint to the publishers but I needed to vent. Come to the heart:

addition to this editorial that is in it, another from which I wrote last Friday (without telling me anything! Lol) to tell me that this past weekend began to read my manuscript.
On one hand I was disappointed a little because I was told that I would give a final answer in February, so I expected I have already read. But on the other encouraged me because, after all, that is a thousand times better than a negative and there are still possibilities that they like. Hence
have not told me anything yet but I will not be so heavy at the moment keep waiting ...

Then there is another publisher who asked me about fifteen days to give me answer (is meeting this week), and quarter to which I submitted my proposal last week and I know that was read, but I have requested the manuscript, so I conclude that either have not finished reading the proposal, as mentioned above another publisher, or not interested.

4 editorial that I hope response, 3 of which have the full manuscript.

And about 8 or 9 that I have not been answered even once since I sent the proposal.

I know that it is too early to lose hope but I'm starting to get tired of waiting and so lack of news. If at least those who are interested in how you will inform the assessment and who are not saying you do not want to answer issue you ... but the absence of news and expected wear. A lot.

The good thing is that I've begun writing the second book in the series, which would be the sequel to the novel I'm trying to publish. But would motivate me more if I knew that the first will see the light of day ...

Finally, for something sweet I'll see if I cheer up a bit. Decaidillo feel the tone of today's post to see if the next is more positive.


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