Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mount And Blade 1,010

response II: writer's block and writing process

few days ago I received a few more questions Narrator, one of the readers of this blog.

Si en la primera ocasión, las cuestiones giraban en torno al mundo de la co-edición, a la búsqueda de editoriales y al registro  , esta vez el tema se centra más en el proceso de escritura.

Las preguntas que se hace este lector son las siguientes (las respondo por orden para no dejarme nada):

¿Recuerdas cual fue la primera frase que consignaste en tu novela? ¿Sobrevivió o se sacrificó para permiterte arrancar y darlo todo?

Recuerdo perfectamente la primera frase I used to start my novel (well I have it saved somewhere on my computer. When I change things in my stories I like to keep the former case then I repented of the changes.)

In this case the sentence was completely sacrificed for the sake of the work. And not just the first sentence but virtually the entire first chapter which was rewritten and placed in a new setting and different characters (at least two gave their lives for a third party that was born of nothing).

Not that that first chapter was wrong (the first paragraph if it was awful) but I realize that the beginning was very weak and immature (which is normal because he had written in 2004, with 19 years) and I thought a different scene that was infinitely better (rewrote last year 25 years).

This is the first phrase of my novel before I started changing the first chapter:

"The night was pitch-dark ..."

responded to something that the protagonist was writing a blog of notes in a library. But as I say, that phrase and what was missing to make room for the currently is written.

The phrase that took the place of the above is:

"Did you sleep well, Angela?"

be thinking I guess the old phrase promised more, but I think agree with me that the new is better when you can read the four lines following this question ... ;)

continue with issues Narrator:

How's your writing process?

I think about the writing process I talked about in other entries included in the label " my first novel ", so if you are bored sometime you can take a look, as they are enough.

But in summary, my writing process is based on three main steps:
  1. General Development of the plot. Picture of the story: It would basically decide the plot of the novel and briefly raise the beginning, the middle and the ending. Know what will happen in the story, what is to be treated.
  2. Documentation: Finding Information necessary for the proper development of the story. Depending on the topic here will be more extensive or less. For example, if a historical novel or if there are real people, documentation plays a very important, is the case of my novel, for example-but the documentation will also be necessary if we are talking about places, events that have happened, technological inventions, science, etc. Nor is it necessary to write a treatise or dissertation, but as a reader I appreciate that a story is well documented and que me gusta ofrecer lo mismo. (Este paso no tiene por que ir en segundo lugar, puede ir antes del primero o a la vez que el tercero).
  3. Escritura en sí: Una vez que ya sé sobre qué quiero escribir es el momento de empezar a redactar. La documentación puede continuar a la vez que se escribe la historia, conforme vaya necesitando saber cosas nueva para completar la información que ya tengo.
Y ese sería mi proceso de escritura en general. Yo tengo una libreta en la que voy anotando todo lo que se me va ocurriendo para la historia, las dudas que se me plantean, la información que necesito y la que encuentro, frases interesantes que me vienen a head and even drawings and sketches of scenes that I make up or things that appear in the story (emblems, character costumes ... everything I think is important).

As for the question ...

Did you have to rectify many parts? At what point have you been satisfied?

I had to rectify a lot, yes. I suppose that you who are accustomed to writing have heard on countless occasions that a story that should be left "to rest" and should be read by other people in order to be perfected.

Bueno, eso es totalmente cierto.

Cuando escribes ocurre como cuando dibujas o como cuando ves un cuadro muy de cerca: estás tan metido en la obra que pierdes la perspectiva y no eres capaz de apreciar los errores. Es necesario que te alejes de ella, que des unos pasos atrás para poder ver el cuadro en su conjunto, que la guardes un tiempo y luego la vuelvas a sacar para poder verla con "nuevos ojos".

Podríais preguntaros "¿cómo voy a ver una obra de manera distinta si es la misma obra? Si no he encontrado fallos la primera vez que la leo, ¿cómo voy a encontrarlos la segunda vez si lo que hay escrito es lo mismo?"

As the case is yes. In a second reading are failures that had not seen in the first, third find mistakes that you had not seen in the second or the first and fourth are mistakes that you did not see either the third or the second or in the first.
And what's worse, when you teach someone else's work, it found errors in it that you, after zillions of these reviews, had not yet seen ...
And more: when you teach the work to a second person, it locates faults that neither you nor the first reader had found.


So yes, I had to correct many parts, I had to delete stuff and add or extend other, correct scores ... and I've spent all of the above.
I lost count of the number of corrections that I made and the number of revisions to my novel has undergone a total of six readers, as well as mine.

Satisfied I think it'll be until you see it published and see what they like and most reviews are positive. And yet, sure I will continue to find things that could be better. Lol I'm very demanding.


Well, to finish (which I have been one of my posts endless). Narrator I also wondered about the dreaded writer's block , but talked about it long ago in another post so I invite you to read if you have not already done and you are interested in the topic:)
With regard to the blockade, also spoke on another occasion on inspiration and muses

And finally, also spoke at the time about how the characters themselves take on a life and are what help you write deciendo for themselves what will happen in history.

I hope I have answered all the questions and this post I have found useful or at least interesting:)


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