Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Como Conseguir O Rainbow Puffle Em 2010

I'm still here! Looking ahead and keeping the mood

just wanted to inform everyone that I'm here without giving up, keeping the mood and hope)

I did not write much these days because I do not have anything important to say, but I embarked on my odyssey, sailing the seas publishers and others recently are giving me new hope: the agency.
I'm still waiting response from two publishers who are evaluating my manuscript from a little over a month, but also last week I asked the manuscript two important agencies, one by e-mail and other postal mail. The first asked me work a week after sending the proposal, the second, the same day he sent it. Both last week.
Yesterday I received an e-mail from one of them reported that they had received the manuscript and began to read. They said I have very good style and the theme of my novel has a lot of interest at this time and asked me to give them some information about the consequences I have in mind to continue the novel.
promised me something in a few days: D

The truth is that it sounded very good, but I am still trying not to get my hopes for good measure. Withhold the celebration for when you see a contract signed, you'd better be careful to let fly the illusion and then crashing;).

Let's keep our fingers crossed!


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