Monday, March 14, 2011

Kitchener Silvercity Movie

SWAT received so far

This weekend I came to make a collection of rejects received , because at the moment are the most numerous responses from which I have received from publishers and agencies and there are some quite interesting.

omit the source of rejection at the moment so I will identify a number allotting and whether it is a publishing house or agency.

Let's begin:

Editorial 1:
After receiving my proposal I call the script because, they say, I have really enjoyed the chapters read and history. Even call me by phone to confirm which direction I have to send the work and ensure that I will provide a response before the end of January.
not contact me again and do not respond to either e-mails that I send in February.

Editorial 2:
After receiving my manuscript proposal calling me and promise me something in a couple of months. Resolution
few weeks after the due deadline phoning me to tell me that they loved the work, which is very well written, you can see I've done a lot and everyone in publishing them liked. Unfortunately
already have the catalog publications closed in 2011 and have no time to work on my novel and let it perfect.
recommend that I look for an agent to help me and invite me to send it again when fully polished.

Editorial 3:
After reading my proposal "with great love" I am informed that although the proposal they like, for the moment do not publish books theme of mine, maybe in the near future.

Editorial 4:
have closed the recruitment of new works by now.

Editorial 5:
not hire new works until 2013

Editorial 6:
After reading the proposal I am told that, although they seems very interesting and very well written, my work does not fit their current catalog.

Editorial 7:
The proposal seems "very tempting" but they are an editorial small and now have no time to read the manuscript and give me an answer soon. I invite you to send the work later if I have no luck with any other publisher.

Agency 1:
After reading proposal, attached me by e-mail your letter of rejection rate. The director told me in an e-mail is a good proposal and I do not give up.

Agency 2:
After sending the proposal received an e-mail informing me that they receive unsolicited manuscripts. I invite you to request a report Reading, on payment of 100 euros. I represent if the report is favorable and are interested in the work.

Agency 3:
shipping the same day the proposal respond that I read my manuscript on payment of 100 euros.

And that's all for now guys. What there are some very funny rejections? My favorites are the "yes but no" and "we read it for 100 euros." In the latter case, my response is that of the editorial: "Yes, but not" ... Did
100 euros answer something symbolic? For all asking 100 euros, no more no less.

Finally, we end up with a good taste:

There are still two publishers who are evaluating my manuscript, two agencies have not yet asked for money and I are reading the proposal and seven publishers have not answered me.

continue thinking positive:)


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