Monday, March 14, 2011

The Tiger In The Pit And The Pendulum

Amala and Kamala: The wild child ... Myth or reality?

The best-known and children-wolf has been, probably, the Amala and Kamala, found near Midnapur, India, the fall of 1920.

The inhabitants of the region referred to as a monstrous creature, the Manush-Bagha (human spirit), and told the story to a browser that night was in town, the Rev. Sigh. On October 8, 1920, the Reverend into the jungle, and while he saw lurking after the wolf and cubs, leaving the shelter for two young human. Nine days later, the girls were caught with the cubs, for which we had to kill before the wolf that tried to defend her litter.

Rev. girls gave the host had told him the story and the presence of these creatures feared, however, drove the villagers, who fled the scene. Some days after this, the Rev. picked up the girls and took them to his orphanage.

may not be biological sisters, and they were welcomed by the pack on two different occasions. Amala never walk upright, Kamala only very late. In addition, these girls had an ease uncommon to interact with animals, dogs need to be eating well, and had high auditory acuity, a developed sense of smell and poor eyesight, adapted to darkness. They slept huddled together, howling, and biting their clothes removed to put them.

A year after arriving at the orphanage died Amala, counting approximately two and half years old, Kamala died about nine years, two deaths caused by a kidney problem.


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