Monday, March 7, 2011

Monthly Cost Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

March News

As many of us have to Monday on our blacklist of days a week now ; bring input and entertaining Sencillito endosaros rather than one of my regular "posts" quixotic;)

The month of March comes complete with new literary so I leave you with a wide selection of books whose synopsis I have drawn attention to one of the publishers I've discovered recently: Red Circle.

This is the new that we offer this month:

News March 2011 publisher Red Circle


Author: Joaquin Cruz
Collection: Circle Red - Fiction
Pages: 340
ISBN: 978-84-9991-076-5
Formats: Paperback with flaps
Size: 15x21 cm
Editorial: Editorial Red Circle
Price : € 14.95

No matter where we live. Never mind that we say or we think it is a wonderful place, cheerful, bright ... because you know how we hide dark spots in our eyes, to our knowledge? Are there where you least expect them, pray because you are waiting for you or yours.

thriller Can a part be tender and even sentimental? With this novel the author creates an environment in which the reader does not cost too familiar with the character (the poor Matthias, a modest turner and father with great pretensions to be happy with his wife and children) and to partake with him of the doubts, decisions or too often fatal avatars that life has kindly let us know without ever having considered whether it should do or not.

in on it, the reader is not absolutely necessary to have recourse to the brutality of the language to understand without much effort that the facts are harrowing and altogether chilling for mortal souls. Is a narrative that could be classified as peaceful, but at no time that evil lurks and lurks near.


Author: Pedro Galán
Collection: Red circle - Fiction
Pages: 690
ISBN: 978
-84-9991-031-4 Formats: Paperback with flaps
Size: 15x21 cm
Editorial: Editorial Red Circle
Precio: 18,00 €

En el verano de 2009, Pedro Galán decidió embarcarse en el mayor desafío de su vida: dar la vuelta al mundo acompañado únicamente de su mochila. La idea del viaje anidaba en su cabeza desde niño, cuando soñaba con emular las peripecias de Phileas Fogg, el personaje de Julio Verne. Sin embargo, tuvieron que pasar muchos años para que el protagonista de esta historia encontrara un motivo que le hiciera salir de su rutina y enfrentarse al reto de dar la vuelta a su mundo: hacer sonreír a una mujer.

"Porque está ahí" es la crónica, escrita en primera persona, de los sesenta y five-day adventure and which earned the author a radical shift in his understanding of life. A relatively straightforward and full of intensity whose texts, written during the long nights of travel, retain all the freshness and authenticity of the moment.

has in his hands the conquest of two of the dreams of a person who loves to travel and who deeply loves literature: round the world and write a book, but the main victory behind these pages is to discover our own freedom. Or complete travel packages or large bags, or even company: all you need to accomplish what you set out is yourself. Why is there could ser la historia de su vida si algún día decidiese levantarse y andar.

Disfrute del viaje.


Autor: Miguel López Valderrama
Ilustraciones: Marta Madrid Manrique
Colección: Círculo rojo - Imaginación
Páginas: 96
ISBN: 978-84-9991-032-1
Formatos: Edición rústica sin solapas
Tamaño: 15x21 cm
Editorial: Editorial Red Circle
Price: € 12.00

Bea hair does not like the idea of \u200b\u200bstaying at home while their parents go to a party. Night and a gust of wind that blows through your window, you are invited to dress up monster and walk among the shadows. Finally, Bea will find a very special party. They begin a journey to a place that could only exist in the imagination of children ... and in a peculiar adult.


Author: Angeles Sánchez
Colección: Círculo rojo - Novela
Páginas: 116
ISBN: 9788415143086
Formatos: Edición rústica con solapas
Tamaño: 15x21 cm
Editorial: Editorial Círculo rojo
Precio: 12,95 €

¡Qué sería de nuestra vida sin las amigas, sin esas reuniones casi secretas, clandestinas (para tu novio o tu marido) donde se pueden tocar desde los temas más trascendentales hasta los más banales!

do not know what I'd do without them!

Honestly, for me and I am sure for many of you, we have far surpassed any secret society at the highest level, because our private circle is closed, and very powerful minority. Our meetings are the best therapy, "after work", I mean after work. Show off that I have from 3 years studying English at a bilingual school! It was time to take advantage.

If you need to distract and throw you a few laughs ... I recommend this book.
If you are unmotivated at work and need therapy (it's cheaper to hire reading this book endless self-help meetings).

If you have friends ... here are some imaginary to accompany.
If you ... maybe you identify with any of them.
If you what books you are going deep ... you're in luck because we look at life from optics that you had never arisen.

If you go hang out, you have assured entertainment.

Is it just us?
In principle, yes. But do not exclude them because they might want to investigate how we think, how we are and have first-hand.

Mandylion the manuscript of

Author: Carlos Parra Mestre
Collection: Red circle - Fiction
Pages: 290
ISBN: 978-84-9991-061-1
Formats: Paperback with flaps
Size: 15x21 cm
Editorial: Editorial Circle rojo
Precio: 14,95 €

Un conocido monasterio italiano contiene una importante biblioteca de papiros y pergaminos, entre ellos se encuentra un antiguo manuscrito que procede de la desaparecida ciudad de Edesa. Sus símbolos presentan un sistema numérico relacionado con la misteriosa construcción de la pirámide de Keops, la divinidad del Santo Sudario de Jesús y el avistamiento de ciertos fenómenos extraterrestres.

Los análisis de sus inscripciones han ocasionado el asesinato de un científico, y los monjes de la abadía han decidido enviar, en secreto, el Manuscrito de Edesa REHISMAT the prestigious organization, to identify the meaning of these codes, and their relationship to the power of Mandylion.

addition, Professor of Astronomy, Alexandre, who works as a symbol in this project scientist-religious, will be conditioned, and threats, the deciphering of this papyrus to free a student who has been kidnapped.

This final decision is linked to a disturbing study of research that has remained unanswered for many centuries.

What do you think? Do you attract any previous books?


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