Saturday, March 19, 2011

Af Cramps Early Pregnancy

editorial Help Group rejects European

guess many and you will be aware, as are several blogs that echoed the news, but if there is anyone who does not know and can lend a hand .. .

Raúl Gonzálvez , editor SWAT Group, recently published a statement in which he asks readers to help save the aforementioned editorial. SWAT
es una de las pocas editoriales españolas que apuesta por los escritores noveles españoles de género fantástico, por lo que sería una verdadera lástima que tuviéramos que decirle adiós.

Además, y lo que es más importante, su desaparición supondría ¡ una editorial menos a la que poder incordiar con mis propuestas y una oportunidad menos de ver mis libros publicados ! No escribo literatura fantástica pero ¿¿y si en un futuro me da por escribirla?? No sería justo que Grupo Ajec no pudiera disponer de la oportunidad de valorar mis manuscritos ¿a que no? ;)

For these reasons and important because people like Raul, who commitment to minorities and risks , he deserves ... I invite you to read your statement and if you can, to collaborate as far as you can to keep SWAT Group afloat.

Then I leave to the statement, but you can also read on the website of the publisher, here.

Dear Friends
Due to bad economic news received in the past 48 hours, and after much work to try to solve the problems that threaten, unfortunately, the continuity of SWAT as a publisher, I am compelled to ask you directly help to keep going.
This aid goes through get-out of this rut, at least 50 new subscribers for SWAT, if we succeed, this small injection of cash, we will have saved a major challenge, which the recent changes we are facing has led us.
This subscription is free, but preferably for at least 50 euros, and will apply to both new titles are due to appear as include titles already published. It may also choose to subscribe only to a collection, or to loose titles.
Subscribers will have a discount of 20% of pvp on the books, plus a gift book, and before they receive their books in bookstores.

you can subscribe by admission (free, but preferably at least 50 euros), account number: 3058 2810009790 08 0181, with confirmation of it in the mail or with your details and addresses for shipping.
For any further information please write to and will be happy to address your questions.
hope that together we can help to succeed. Thank you very much for your support in advance.
Gonzálvez Raúl.


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