Friday, March 4, 2011

What Does Ghost Dye Against In Pokemon

Another Red Circle criticism! In my novel this time.

other input to let you express criticism of a reader of the blog.

Maria, blog Corner Endless , I asked the four sample chapters that some time ago I offered to mail to those readers who were interested in checking them out and share with me your opinion. Mary, having read them, and said about them:)

"Well, first of all say that I found very interesting selection of chapters you've done. It is very successful, because you get to intuit something of the history, but is there in simple intuition, and therefore want to read the entire increase: 3

Also I think you're very detailed, and that adds value to your work, because it shows you've spent time and many many rehearsals. To my taste, I'm a few descriptions, too many, but again, that's going to taste;)

Now, in relation to what I've been, to say that the first chapter is very realistic to me made the scene look like a movie in my mind. Also did you get to see the scenes of the other chapters in this way. That in my opinion, it is very difficult to achieve, and I applaud you for it. On 9 .... well, I've had worse, because I spent some fear .... but this is it. At number 13 has been revealed some detail. I also love all the metaphors that are made with a chess board, I have always considered very symbolic. I loved it: D compared to last ... just say that I think these scenes should be very complicated to write, but to you has been great.

As for history in general, I think a very interesting approach to the vampire theme, which is so trite today. If you can make a gap and show that this novel is unlike any other, will have much success. I hope someday to read the rest of them, mind ^ ^ " (Mary, Endless Corner )

very encouraged me to be receiving such positive reviews, but at the same time, I'm a little scared in case the rest of the novel does not like or if you have not read anything I expect too much and then disappoint you.
I hope not. Let's see if we will soon know!

you'll have a great weekend, readers:)


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