Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How Much Finance Do I Get On Disability For A Car

publishing readers' questions: co-editing, publishing and recording search

Hace unos días un lector, concretamente narrador , del blog A Leer Toca  , me preguntó si podría escribir una entrada respondiendo a algunas dudas "literarias" que me planteaba en su e-mail.
Pensé en contestarle por privado, pero como es posible que algunos de vosotros os preguntéis lo mismo o tengáis interés en saberlo, decidí hacerle caso y escribir una entrada exclusiva para responderle :)
Así que allá vamos:

One of the narrator questions was: what is "co-editing?
Well, I'm no expert on issues of co-edits but I I can tell you what I know about it.
Broadly speaking one could say that there are three possible paths or options when publishing a book
  • published in an editorial as "habitual" ( the author offers his manuscript, the publisher pays all expenses ).
  • publishing in an editorial co-editing ( the publisher and the author share the costs ).
  • self-edit ( the author bears all costs ).
What most authors do to finish writing his works is what I'm trying to mine: find a publisher interested in publishing .
Co-edit and self-editing are some alternatives (equally valid) to which writers tend to use when publishing any "normal" wants to publish them.
For the same reason many authors fleeing the co-editing and self-editing Because they believe that a writer should not pay to publish it, but charge be published (at last, after all, who has completed a novel and writing it has done its job) and see the fact you have to pay to see his work on paper as a sign that the work is not good enough (since no one wanted to publish the "free").

When co-editing is supposed to pay to publish your work on paper, and in turn the publisher agrees to perform all the tasks of promotion and distribution your novel.
But precisely therein lies another of the risks of co-editing if you choose either the publisher. In an editorial "normal" when they agree to publish your work, them are those who put their money and that they risk . For that reason they more than anyone are interested in having your novel to succeed, because if sales do not go well, not recover the money invested in the publication.

However, in an editorial co-edition as the writer is paid , the editorial and not worried about whether your novel is selling well or not, since they have already paid. Therefore, it is thought that a co-publishing edition will not put much interest in promoting your work and distribute it as an editing "normal."

Anyway there are publishers and publishers, not to say that all publishers to co-edit are equal, there will be some who will be trustworthy and be committed to the authors and others that are only interested easy money. The important thing is to learn well if you decide to publish in this way.

My personal recommendation for writers who want to publish it, try your luck with the first publishers 'normal' (which you get paid by your work, not vice versa) and if no publisher was interested and would like to see your work published without caring to pay for it, to inform well about publishers co-edition and look that suits you.

The self-editing would leave as a last resource.

And here the issue of co-editing. I think I've said everything there is to say without going too, but if I forgot something or I have no doubt you can ask me:)

Another of the questions I had are: how publishers chose , how to send manuscripts and if I protected before sending .

The answer to the last question is simple: a huge YES. Always protect your writing once you've finished, especially if you show to others.

If publishers to send your manuscripts that are known and trusted, you should not worry about "stealing" or "plagiarism" your writing. Normally not be recorded because it is assumed they are safe in their hands. But as the registration process of a manuscript is very easy and not expensive, do not lose anything by registering "just in case " and so you stay quiet and you ensure that your work is safe:)

As to the question of how I chose to and publishers send manuscripts how ... The shipping depends on the publisher. Often (going to say "normally" but it is quite common that you do not say how) in the web pages publishers will have to specify how make us your work if you're interested in publishing them. Usually do not ask the entire manuscript, but an editorial proposal (with an overview of the work, some sample chapters and author's biographical note) and then, if they like the proposal, they ask the entire manuscript.

is increasingly common that allow them to send everything by e-mail (both the proposal and the manuscript), but there are still publishers who prefer that the manuscript send it by mail (which gives much laziness and cost you your pocket money, but what we have ... I guess some have this as a form of screening to ensure you're really interested in reading your work.)

As I say, it is common in Web publishing to tell you what you send and how, but may not specify, in this case plays write an e-mail to the address contact with and ask .

Regarding choosing publishers ... is as simple as going to a bookstore, the books whose subject matter resembles that of your work, write down the name of the publishers and then search the internet.
is highly recommended that you contact only with publishers whose catalog works include style yours, otherwise you will not probably not the case (and normal). So simple research will save you much time disregarding editorial not interested in your work for not being what they publish.

Well, I think today's post has been long enough, so do not delay you any longer.

I hope you have helpful information:) And you know that if you want to write of something that you want to know (related to the literature, of course) you only have to ask me ^ ^


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