Thursday, March 3, 2011

Vespa Lx 50 Blueprint

A positive critical response

As you may know who read my blog regularly, recently wrote a rather pessimistic input and criticism against publishers (although was not the first).

criticized the absence response or delay of them, not for reading and evaluating manuscripts (as it should be borne in mind that manuscripts are usually evaluated by more than one person and spend a series of filters, which takes time) but to tell you, at least if they liked your ideas and pass reading the manuscript, or for information on how you evaluation of it (repeat , some do, but many do not).

Well, as I am the first to criticize adversely publishers when I despair with them, wanted to be the first to criticize positively the publishing world when I get a pleasant surprise with it.

turns out that yesterday I received an email from a reader editorial has made one of the reports read my novel for the publishers to whom I have sent.
These reports are usually secret and the author of the novel do not know who does, but this reader, having read the post I wrote on my blog about the delay in publishing, was kind enough to write to try to cheer me up (how I see how desperate the poor!). Y it goes without saying that encouraged me, a lot.
words spurred me on what he'd like my novel, yes, (although, of course, I spent the report, only told me what he thought of it, far above), but what encouraged me was the detail that had to contact , and know that really are evaluating my work.

So today I want to thank this anonymous reader and those who are part of the publishing world and, like this, understand the importance of the "answers", the need for new author know what is happening with your work (if it is missing something.)

insist, is not that writers want to know NOW if our work will be published or not (we'd love to, of course, but we understand that this is impossible) but we want to know SOMETHING .

want to begin to treat us with respect least and when we send a proposal we answer, saying the proposal is interesting or it sucks, but we answer (there are 9 or 10 publishers with whom I have contacted you still have not told me anything about anything , and most I wrote in November).

Then, if asked the manuscript, it would be nice to be told how the process evaluation in that publisher and how long, approximately , it will take to get news (and we would not be bothering to publishers asking us. That to me at least that's something that, even if you did not do because I like to feel that I'm getting in a hurry and do not like being weighed).

And finally, we would like the deadlines given to us were fulfilled. I do not say exactly but approximately (as you know, I refer specifically to the publisher who promised me something at the end of January and not only has not told me anything yet but not respond to my e-mails).

But thanks to the anonymous reader I can see that in the publishing world still people who care about new writers and that is something that pleased and reassured to know.

I do not know if that specific publisher want to publish me or not (because I have not read the report of the reader and, although this was highly favorable, still would lack the reports of other readers of the editorial) pero tranquiliza saber que quedan editoriales que siguen dedicando a los autores noveles el tiempo que, como cualquier otro autor, se merecen.


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