Saturday, February 26, 2011

Flip Ultrahd Vs Flip Minohd

donkeys and doodles: César Vallejo and Clement palm against simplistic

César Vallejo in 1917, sent one of his poems to Don Clemente Palma, the most important intellectual and critic of the time in Lima. Le Clemente said Don Cesar Vallejo palm: "We sent you a sonnet entitled his beloved poet that really what you credits for the accordion or the ocarina before for poetry. His poems are more or nonsense less infected, and so far long to the basket the mess you have no other idea but that of the collective shame of Trujillo, and that if they discovered his name and the neighborhood would tie amarraría as sleeping in line Malabrigo train. "

Here is the poem "bullshit", the "stupidity of César Vallejo", "the disgrace of the community Trujillo "in terms of that critical, son of the monumental and encyclopedic Librarian Beggar, Don Ricardo Palma:

Poem Poet to His Beloved
(César Vallejo)

Amada tonight thou hast crucified
on the two curved beams of my kiss;
and your grief I have been told that Jesus wept,
and Good Friday are sweeter than the kiss.

clear tonight how much I've looked,
Death has been happy and has sung in his bone.
On this September night
has officiated my second fall and the more human kiss.

Amada, we will die together, close together;
drying the breaks will go our lofty bitterness
and shadow have touched our lips dead.

And there will be no reproach in your eyes blessed;
not offend again. And in a grave
we both sleep like two brothers.

Mario Vargas Llosa speaks of "the power of the word" and "word of power." The first case, roughly, is the influence one has on the community through the word the second is the discourse of power (political, economic). Accordingly, Mr. Clemente Palma, has been in his time a man of power, possessed the "power of the word" (referring to the quote with which we began this text), however, César Vallejo ignored this power : has always been true to his convictions and answered up to the most crude and disrespectful reviews ... and luckily!: continued with his ... The result? Now we pride ourselves and swollen breasts in Peru and the world by having to Vallejo as a universal poet.

The intention is not to belittle the work of Clemente Palma (Very little known and even forgotten by the majority, certainly, "which is irrelevant in this particular case ... although it may be a reason for turning attention to him), the intention, he said, is as follows: note that Clemente Palma, as a man of power, and intellectual figure as influential literary critic, was wrong with Cesar Vallejo, was harsh and unfair to him ...

This is not a research paper aims to analyze in depth the debate Vallejo-Palma. Today I speak especially to those who have not read the poet Trujillo, even to those who have read but without stopping to think, profundirzar and think about his work in general. I raise this issue for many Palmistes thorny for the following reason: there are many portals on the Facebook users and famous and valuable, very unusual the above means; these are the ones who generate issues of cultural, literary, political or social criticism, discussion, debate, exchange of ideas (about height, others sad)-far from frivolous -, although there are also some frenzied, vulgar and others bordering on the limits of ignorance. It was one of the spaces of Facebook ("Immortal Poets" - we encourage readers of this article visit the profile of this user-at another time will take care of him and his work) who returned to resound today quoted words of Clemente Palma: there were some who gave the reason: it challenges the followers and lovers of the work of César Vallejo (and we work not only poetry, because Vallejo is also a storyteller, thinker and politician). Some users who had just read a few poems of his, and others who had barely heard of him, attacked the "fan club" and raised questions users to supporters: Vallejo Who is sad but a poet, whose poetry is even repugnant? What is the núeclo of his poetry? What is its essence? Why all the discourse, such acclaim, both wonder if at the end After all, César Vallejo is not actually a great poet like everyone else to claim it? discruso What is the core of his work? What is your poetic proposal? Why transcended both among many other poets even better than him? Who understands César vallejo? Who understands his followers? Surely everyone who reads his poetry end so sad to the point of suicide ... Anyway.
to this kind of feedback we responded, including the following:
César Vallejo is not just a poet "sad, depressed, definitely this simplistic view of his poetry itself is" depressed. " If we understand resort to his narrative and poetic ... Do we want to find the core of his poetry? Find many nuclei. Do we want to find the underlying discourse of his poetry? There are The Black Heralds, Human Poems, Trilce, Spain apart from me this cup ... How easy to say that Vallejo is the sad poet, the poet of human suffering, that Vallejo is a sad and depressing poet!.
The poem "Mass", just to cite one example, was / is read by many as a simple and very sad poem. "Mass" is a hymn to humanity is a universal song of unity, brotherhood, community unison between humans, it has earned the brotherhood, solidarity, love of prógimo (is not it a noble cause? .) Yes, instead of war, peace, brotherhood, instead of individuality, universality, instead of one, everybody. Yes, instead of death, life ... Vallejo is something we wanted, at least we dreamed and we did know Through this poem.

Paco Yunque, for writing another example, was despised at the time it was read as a story too sad, for he did not understand the underlying discourse through which we sought to represent Vallejo social problems bedeviling the Peru at the time. For this he used a wonderful and accurate metaphor of a school classroom. Did not understand that attempting to denounce those problems that persist even today: there is the underlying discourse: the class struggle, the denunciation of social injustice, abuse of power ...

how easily and falsehood say that all who read derprimirán Vallejo! Read the modernist Vallejo The Black Heralds, with Rubén Darío and the Uruguayan poet Julio Herrera y Reissig. Read the vanguard Vallejo Trilce in terms of Roberto Paoli is the greatest book of the postwar avant-garde poetry in the world (is it?), This is the Vallejo has jumped into the world with TS Eliot ( The wasteland) and James Joyce (Ulysses ) in 1922. Yes Trilce , with its whimsical grammar, his outbursts against conventional syntax, making the words mean what they say could not, with the recurring themes from prison, sadness (yes sadness), the loneliness, the absence of the mother, daily life in the province, in the field, all represented in a wonderful way: Whimsical and original .... Read the experimental and political Vallejo Human Poems and Spain this cup from me , in expressing its strong commitment to and defense of the English Republic (like many intellectuals and artists around the world committed), there will be at the Vallejo experience and explore what humamno ... What is human but that fragility painful? Does not exist in the world of misery, pain, hunger, death, wars ...? Finally, are we alone in the world? Are you allowed to talk about these issues? Is not there any issues that transcend humanity and the whole notion of temporality and spatiality? Humanly experienced, the pursuit of social justice, nostalgia for the land, the family, for the country, the pain of death ... Not also transcendental? For there is Cesar Vallejo ... now shaking the soul with its black Heralds , sometimes amaze with their syntax, sometimes feelings with their nostalgia and memories, sometimes bowing to strong collective imagination and society through their Human Poems , sometimes calling upon all humanity to be more human ... in order, and etc ...

Finally, for those who have not understood or read, there are bookstores and public libraries and the literature on private life and work of César Vallejo ... who wants to know and who may try to appreciate and learn from what others have discovered in Vallejo just to go in search of information.

PD. Here two peomas own:

new monsters

And, unfortunately, grows
pain in the world all the time,
grows to thirty minutes per second, step by step,
and nature of pain, is the pain twice and condition
martyrdom, carnivorous, voracious,
is twice
pain and function of pure grass, the pain twice

and well being, doubly grieve.
Never, human men,
was so much pain in the chest, lapel, purse,
in the glass, the butcher, the arithmetic!
never both painful affection, ever so closely lashed
distance, the fire never

better role played dead cold! Never
, Minister of Health, was the deadliest
health and migraine
removed so the front of the front!

And the furniture was in her drawer, pain,
the heart, in his drawer, pain,
the lizard in his crate, pain.
misery grows, brother men,
sooner than the machine, and ten machines, and grows with the res
Rosseau, with our beards;
evil grows for reasons that ignore
and is a flood own fluids,
with own mud and solid cloud itself! Invest

suffering positions gives
role in the aqueous humor is verticalal
the eye is seen and heard this ear, this ear
and takes nine strokes
when the beam, and nine to laughter
time of wheat, and nine females
sounds when crying,
nine songs at the time of hunger and nine and nine whips
thunder, less a cry.

pain catches us, brother men,
behind, in profile, and we
allocates in cinemas, we
nails in gramophones,
unnail us in the bed, falls perpendicularly
our tickets, our letters;
and is very serious subject, can you pray ... As a result

pain, some
born, some grow, others die,
and others who are born and not die, others
that without being born, die, and other
not born or die (they are more).
And also
result of suffering I'm sad
to the head, and sadder to the ankle,
to see the bread, crucified, the turnip,
bloodied, crying
, onions,
to cereal, in general, flour,
salt-made powder, water, flying,
the wine, Ecce homo, so pale

aa snow, sun burned as ¹!

How, fellow humans,
not say that I can not and I can not
with both drawer
so minute, so much

lizard and investment, both far and so thirsty thirsty!
Minister of Health: What to do?
Ah! Unfortunately, human man,
there, brothers, much to do. Mass

At the end of the battle, and died

and the fighter, a man came to him
and said, "Do not die, I love you so much!"
But the corpse, alas! kept on dying.

approached him two and repitiéronle:
"Do not leave us! Value! Back to life!"
But the corpse, alas! kept on dying. It appears to
twenty, hundred, thousand, five hundred thousand,
crying, "So much love and can not do anything against the death!" But the corpse

Ay! kept on dying.
million people surrounded him,
common with a plea: "Stay, brother!
But the corpse, alas, kept dying.
Then all the men around him
land, they saw the corpse sad, excited;
sat up slowly,
embraced the first man to walk ... he fell

Spain César Vallejo, take this cup from me [1937]


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