Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Como Conseguir O Rainbow Puffle Em 2010

I'm still here! Looking ahead and keeping the mood

just wanted to inform everyone that I'm here without giving up, keeping the mood and hope)

I did not write much these days because I do not have anything important to say, but I embarked on my odyssey, sailing the seas publishers and others recently are giving me new hope: the agency.
I'm still waiting response from two publishers who are evaluating my manuscript from a little over a month, but also last week I asked the manuscript two important agencies, one by e-mail and other postal mail. The first asked me work a week after sending the proposal, the second, the same day he sent it. Both last week.
Yesterday I received an e-mail from one of them reported that they had received the manuscript and began to read. They said I have very good style and the theme of my novel has a lot of interest at this time and asked me to give them some information about the consequences I have in mind to continue the novel.
promised me something in a few days: D

The truth is that it sounded very good, but I am still trying not to get my hopes for good measure. Withhold the celebration for when you see a contract signed, you'd better be careful to let fly the illusion and then crashing;).

Let's keep our fingers crossed!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Af Cramps Early Pregnancy

editorial Help Group rejects European

guess many and you will be aware, as are several blogs that echoed the news, but if there is anyone who does not know and can lend a hand .. .

Raúl Gonzálvez , editor SWAT Group, recently published a statement in which he asks readers to help save the aforementioned editorial. SWAT
es una de las pocas editoriales españolas que apuesta por los escritores noveles españoles de género fantástico, por lo que sería una verdadera lástima que tuviéramos que decirle adiós.

Además, y lo que es más importante, su desaparición supondría ¡ una editorial menos a la que poder incordiar con mis propuestas y una oportunidad menos de ver mis libros publicados ! No escribo literatura fantástica pero ¿¿y si en un futuro me da por escribirla?? No sería justo que Grupo Ajec no pudiera disponer de la oportunidad de valorar mis manuscritos ¿a que no? ;)

For these reasons and important because people like Raul, who commitment to minorities and risks , he deserves ... I invite you to read your statement and if you can, to collaborate as far as you can to keep SWAT Group afloat.

Then I leave to the statement, but you can also read on the website of the publisher, here.

Dear Friends
Due to bad economic news received in the past 48 hours, and after much work to try to solve the problems that threaten, unfortunately, the continuity of SWAT as a publisher, I am compelled to ask you directly help to keep going.
This aid goes through get-out of this rut, at least 50 new subscribers for SWAT, if we succeed, this small injection of cash, we will have saved a major challenge, which the recent changes we are facing has led us.
This subscription is free, but preferably for at least 50 euros, and will apply to both new titles are due to appear as include titles already published. It may also choose to subscribe only to a collection, or to loose titles.
Subscribers will have a discount of 20% of pvp on the books, plus a gift book, and before they receive their books in bookstores.

you can subscribe by admission (free, but preferably at least 50 euros), account number: 3058 2810009790 08 0181, with confirmation of it in the mail or with your details and addresses for shipping.
For any further information please write to and will be happy to address your questions.
hope that together we can help to succeed. Thank you very much for your support in advance.
Gonzálvez Raúl.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Tiger In The Pit And The Pendulum

Amala and Kamala: The wild child ... Myth or reality?

The best-known and children-wolf has been, probably, the Amala and Kamala, found near Midnapur, India, the fall of 1920.

The inhabitants of the region referred to as a monstrous creature, the Manush-Bagha (human spirit), and told the story to a browser that night was in town, the Rev. Sigh. On October 8, 1920, the Reverend into the jungle, and while he saw lurking after the wolf and cubs, leaving the shelter for two young human. Nine days later, the girls were caught with the cubs, for which we had to kill before the wolf that tried to defend her litter.

Rev. girls gave the host had told him the story and the presence of these creatures feared, however, drove the villagers, who fled the scene. Some days after this, the Rev. picked up the girls and took them to his orphanage.

may not be biological sisters, and they were welcomed by the pack on two different occasions. Amala never walk upright, Kamala only very late. In addition, these girls had an ease uncommon to interact with animals, dogs need to be eating well, and had high auditory acuity, a developed sense of smell and poor eyesight, adapted to darkness. They slept huddled together, howling, and biting their clothes removed to put them.

A year after arriving at the orphanage died Amala, counting approximately two and half years old, Kamala died about nine years, two deaths caused by a kidney problem.

Kitchener Silvercity Movie

SWAT received so far

This weekend I came to make a collection of rejects received , because at the moment are the most numerous responses from which I have received from publishers and agencies and there are some quite interesting.

omit the source of rejection at the moment so I will identify a number allotting and whether it is a publishing house or agency.

Let's begin:

Editorial 1:
After receiving my proposal I call the script because, they say, I have really enjoyed the chapters read and history. Even call me by phone to confirm which direction I have to send the work and ensure that I will provide a response before the end of January.
not contact me again and do not respond to either e-mails that I send in February.

Editorial 2:
After receiving my manuscript proposal calling me and promise me something in a couple of months. Resolution
few weeks after the due deadline phoning me to tell me that they loved the work, which is very well written, you can see I've done a lot and everyone in publishing them liked. Unfortunately
already have the catalog publications closed in 2011 and have no time to work on my novel and let it perfect.
recommend that I look for an agent to help me and invite me to send it again when fully polished.

Editorial 3:
After reading my proposal "with great love" I am informed that although the proposal they like, for the moment do not publish books theme of mine, maybe in the near future.

Editorial 4:
have closed the recruitment of new works by now.

Editorial 5:
not hire new works until 2013

Editorial 6:
After reading the proposal I am told that, although they seems very interesting and very well written, my work does not fit their current catalog.

Editorial 7:
The proposal seems "very tempting" but they are an editorial small and now have no time to read the manuscript and give me an answer soon. I invite you to send the work later if I have no luck with any other publisher.

Agency 1:
After reading proposal, attached me by e-mail your letter of rejection rate. The director told me in an e-mail is a good proposal and I do not give up.

Agency 2:
After sending the proposal received an e-mail informing me that they receive unsolicited manuscripts. I invite you to request a report Reading, on payment of 100 euros. I represent if the report is favorable and are interested in the work.

Agency 3:
shipping the same day the proposal respond that I read my manuscript on payment of 100 euros.

And that's all for now guys. What there are some very funny rejections? My favorites are the "yes but no" and "we read it for 100 euros." In the latter case, my response is that of the editorial: "Yes, but not" ... Did
100 euros answer something symbolic? For all asking 100 euros, no more no less.

Finally, we end up with a good taste:

There are still two publishers who are evaluating my manuscript, two agencies have not yet asked for money and I are reading the proposal and seven publishers have not answered me.

continue thinking positive:)

Friday, March 11, 2011

New Baby Welcome Message

Humor Spanish publishing readers

The curtain opens and displays a novel writer English in Spain, knocking on the door of a publisher who rejected having no agent.

The curtain closes.

opens the curtain and see the same English novel writer in Spain, knocking on the door of a literary agency rejected because it does not receive unsolicited proposals literary.

The curtain closes.

What is the movie?

Yes, laughter. Indeed: D

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mount And Blade 1,010

response II: writer's block and writing process

few days ago I received a few more questions Narrator, one of the readers of this blog.

Si en la primera ocasión, las cuestiones giraban en torno al mundo de la co-edición, a la búsqueda de editoriales y al registro  , esta vez el tema se centra más en el proceso de escritura.

Las preguntas que se hace este lector son las siguientes (las respondo por orden para no dejarme nada):

¿Recuerdas cual fue la primera frase que consignaste en tu novela? ¿Sobrevivió o se sacrificó para permiterte arrancar y darlo todo?

Recuerdo perfectamente la primera frase I used to start my novel (well I have it saved somewhere on my computer. When I change things in my stories I like to keep the former case then I repented of the changes.)

In this case the sentence was completely sacrificed for the sake of the work. And not just the first sentence but virtually the entire first chapter which was rewritten and placed in a new setting and different characters (at least two gave their lives for a third party that was born of nothing).

Not that that first chapter was wrong (the first paragraph if it was awful) but I realize that the beginning was very weak and immature (which is normal because he had written in 2004, with 19 years) and I thought a different scene that was infinitely better (rewrote last year 25 years).

This is the first phrase of my novel before I started changing the first chapter:

"The night was pitch-dark ..."

responded to something that the protagonist was writing a blog of notes in a library. But as I say, that phrase and what was missing to make room for the currently is written.

The phrase that took the place of the above is:

"Did you sleep well, Angela?"

be thinking I guess the old phrase promised more, but I think agree with me that the new is better when you can read the four lines following this question ... ;)

continue with issues Narrator:

How's your writing process?

I think about the writing process I talked about in other entries included in the label " my first novel ", so if you are bored sometime you can take a look, as they are enough.

But in summary, my writing process is based on three main steps:
  1. General Development of the plot. Picture of the story: It would basically decide the plot of the novel and briefly raise the beginning, the middle and the ending. Know what will happen in the story, what is to be treated.
  2. Documentation: Finding Information necessary for the proper development of the story. Depending on the topic here will be more extensive or less. For example, if a historical novel or if there are real people, documentation plays a very important, is the case of my novel, for example-but the documentation will also be necessary if we are talking about places, events that have happened, technological inventions, science, etc. Nor is it necessary to write a treatise or dissertation, but as a reader I appreciate that a story is well documented and que me gusta ofrecer lo mismo. (Este paso no tiene por que ir en segundo lugar, puede ir antes del primero o a la vez que el tercero).
  3. Escritura en sí: Una vez que ya sé sobre qué quiero escribir es el momento de empezar a redactar. La documentación puede continuar a la vez que se escribe la historia, conforme vaya necesitando saber cosas nueva para completar la información que ya tengo.
Y ese sería mi proceso de escritura en general. Yo tengo una libreta en la que voy anotando todo lo que se me va ocurriendo para la historia, las dudas que se me plantean, la información que necesito y la que encuentro, frases interesantes que me vienen a head and even drawings and sketches of scenes that I make up or things that appear in the story (emblems, character costumes ... everything I think is important).

As for the question ...

Did you have to rectify many parts? At what point have you been satisfied?

I had to rectify a lot, yes. I suppose that you who are accustomed to writing have heard on countless occasions that a story that should be left "to rest" and should be read by other people in order to be perfected.

Bueno, eso es totalmente cierto.

Cuando escribes ocurre como cuando dibujas o como cuando ves un cuadro muy de cerca: estás tan metido en la obra que pierdes la perspectiva y no eres capaz de apreciar los errores. Es necesario que te alejes de ella, que des unos pasos atrás para poder ver el cuadro en su conjunto, que la guardes un tiempo y luego la vuelvas a sacar para poder verla con "nuevos ojos".

Podríais preguntaros "¿cómo voy a ver una obra de manera distinta si es la misma obra? Si no he encontrado fallos la primera vez que la leo, ¿cómo voy a encontrarlos la segunda vez si lo que hay escrito es lo mismo?"

As the case is yes. In a second reading are failures that had not seen in the first, third find mistakes that you had not seen in the second or the first and fourth are mistakes that you did not see either the third or the second or in the first.
And what's worse, when you teach someone else's work, it found errors in it that you, after zillions of these reviews, had not yet seen ...
And more: when you teach the work to a second person, it locates faults that neither you nor the first reader had found.


So yes, I had to correct many parts, I had to delete stuff and add or extend other, correct scores ... and I've spent all of the above.
I lost count of the number of corrections that I made and the number of revisions to my novel has undergone a total of six readers, as well as mine.

Satisfied I think it'll be until you see it published and see what they like and most reviews are positive. And yet, sure I will continue to find things that could be better. Lol I'm very demanding.


Well, to finish (which I have been one of my posts endless). Narrator I also wondered about the dreaded writer's block , but talked about it long ago in another post so I invite you to read if you have not already done and you are interested in the topic:)
With regard to the blockade, also spoke on another occasion on inspiration and muses

And finally, also spoke at the time about how the characters themselves take on a life and are what help you write deciendo for themselves what will happen in history.

I hope I have answered all the questions and this post I have found useful or at least interesting:)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monthly Cost Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

March News

As many of us have to Monday on our blacklist of days a week now ; bring input and entertaining Sencillito endosaros rather than one of my regular "posts" quixotic;)

The month of March comes complete with new literary so I leave you with a wide selection of books whose synopsis I have drawn attention to one of the publishers I've discovered recently: Red Circle.

This is the new that we offer this month:

News March 2011 publisher Red Circle


Author: Joaquin Cruz
Collection: Circle Red - Fiction
Pages: 340
ISBN: 978-84-9991-076-5
Formats: Paperback with flaps
Size: 15x21 cm
Editorial: Editorial Red Circle
Price : € 14.95

No matter where we live. Never mind that we say or we think it is a wonderful place, cheerful, bright ... because you know how we hide dark spots in our eyes, to our knowledge? Are there where you least expect them, pray because you are waiting for you or yours.

thriller Can a part be tender and even sentimental? With this novel the author creates an environment in which the reader does not cost too familiar with the character (the poor Matthias, a modest turner and father with great pretensions to be happy with his wife and children) and to partake with him of the doubts, decisions or too often fatal avatars that life has kindly let us know without ever having considered whether it should do or not.

in on it, the reader is not absolutely necessary to have recourse to the brutality of the language to understand without much effort that the facts are harrowing and altogether chilling for mortal souls. Is a narrative that could be classified as peaceful, but at no time that evil lurks and lurks near.


Author: Pedro Galán
Collection: Red circle - Fiction
Pages: 690
ISBN: 978
-84-9991-031-4 Formats: Paperback with flaps
Size: 15x21 cm
Editorial: Editorial Red Circle
Precio: 18,00 €

En el verano de 2009, Pedro Galán decidió embarcarse en el mayor desafío de su vida: dar la vuelta al mundo acompañado únicamente de su mochila. La idea del viaje anidaba en su cabeza desde niño, cuando soñaba con emular las peripecias de Phileas Fogg, el personaje de Julio Verne. Sin embargo, tuvieron que pasar muchos años para que el protagonista de esta historia encontrara un motivo que le hiciera salir de su rutina y enfrentarse al reto de dar la vuelta a su mundo: hacer sonreír a una mujer.

"Porque está ahí" es la crónica, escrita en primera persona, de los sesenta y five-day adventure and which earned the author a radical shift in his understanding of life. A relatively straightforward and full of intensity whose texts, written during the long nights of travel, retain all the freshness and authenticity of the moment.

has in his hands the conquest of two of the dreams of a person who loves to travel and who deeply loves literature: round the world and write a book, but the main victory behind these pages is to discover our own freedom. Or complete travel packages or large bags, or even company: all you need to accomplish what you set out is yourself. Why is there could ser la historia de su vida si algún día decidiese levantarse y andar.

Disfrute del viaje.


Autor: Miguel López Valderrama
Ilustraciones: Marta Madrid Manrique
Colección: Círculo rojo - Imaginación
Páginas: 96
ISBN: 978-84-9991-032-1
Formatos: Edición rústica sin solapas
Tamaño: 15x21 cm
Editorial: Editorial Red Circle
Price: € 12.00

Bea hair does not like the idea of \u200b\u200bstaying at home while their parents go to a party. Night and a gust of wind that blows through your window, you are invited to dress up monster and walk among the shadows. Finally, Bea will find a very special party. They begin a journey to a place that could only exist in the imagination of children ... and in a peculiar adult.


Author: Angeles Sánchez
Colección: Círculo rojo - Novela
Páginas: 116
ISBN: 9788415143086
Formatos: Edición rústica con solapas
Tamaño: 15x21 cm
Editorial: Editorial Círculo rojo
Precio: 12,95 €

¡Qué sería de nuestra vida sin las amigas, sin esas reuniones casi secretas, clandestinas (para tu novio o tu marido) donde se pueden tocar desde los temas más trascendentales hasta los más banales!

do not know what I'd do without them!

Honestly, for me and I am sure for many of you, we have far surpassed any secret society at the highest level, because our private circle is closed, and very powerful minority. Our meetings are the best therapy, "after work", I mean after work. Show off that I have from 3 years studying English at a bilingual school! It was time to take advantage.

If you need to distract and throw you a few laughs ... I recommend this book.
If you are unmotivated at work and need therapy (it's cheaper to hire reading this book endless self-help meetings).

If you have friends ... here are some imaginary to accompany.
If you ... maybe you identify with any of them.
If you what books you are going deep ... you're in luck because we look at life from optics that you had never arisen.

If you go hang out, you have assured entertainment.

Is it just us?
In principle, yes. But do not exclude them because they might want to investigate how we think, how we are and have first-hand.

Mandylion the manuscript of

Author: Carlos Parra Mestre
Collection: Red circle - Fiction
Pages: 290
ISBN: 978-84-9991-061-1
Formats: Paperback with flaps
Size: 15x21 cm
Editorial: Editorial Circle rojo
Precio: 14,95 €

Un conocido monasterio italiano contiene una importante biblioteca de papiros y pergaminos, entre ellos se encuentra un antiguo manuscrito que procede de la desaparecida ciudad de Edesa. Sus símbolos presentan un sistema numérico relacionado con la misteriosa construcción de la pirámide de Keops, la divinidad del Santo Sudario de Jesús y el avistamiento de ciertos fenómenos extraterrestres.

Los análisis de sus inscripciones han ocasionado el asesinato de un científico, y los monjes de la abadía han decidido enviar, en secreto, el Manuscrito de Edesa REHISMAT the prestigious organization, to identify the meaning of these codes, and their relationship to the power of Mandylion.

addition, Professor of Astronomy, Alexandre, who works as a symbol in this project scientist-religious, will be conditioned, and threats, the deciphering of this papyrus to free a student who has been kidnapped.

This final decision is linked to a disturbing study of research that has remained unanswered for many centuries.

What do you think? Do you attract any previous books?

Friday, March 4, 2011

What Does Ghost Dye Against In Pokemon

Another Red Circle criticism! In my novel this time.

other input to let you express criticism of a reader of the blog.

Maria, blog Corner Endless , I asked the four sample chapters that some time ago I offered to mail to those readers who were interested in checking them out and share with me your opinion. Mary, having read them, and said about them:)

"Well, first of all say that I found very interesting selection of chapters you've done. It is very successful, because you get to intuit something of the history, but is there in simple intuition, and therefore want to read the entire increase: 3

Also I think you're very detailed, and that adds value to your work, because it shows you've spent time and many many rehearsals. To my taste, I'm a few descriptions, too many, but again, that's going to taste;)

Now, in relation to what I've been, to say that the first chapter is very realistic to me made the scene look like a movie in my mind. Also did you get to see the scenes of the other chapters in this way. That in my opinion, it is very difficult to achieve, and I applaud you for it. On 9 .... well, I've had worse, because I spent some fear .... but this is it. At number 13 has been revealed some detail. I also love all the metaphors that are made with a chess board, I have always considered very symbolic. I loved it: D compared to last ... just say that I think these scenes should be very complicated to write, but to you has been great.

As for history in general, I think a very interesting approach to the vampire theme, which is so trite today. If you can make a gap and show that this novel is unlike any other, will have much success. I hope someday to read the rest of them, mind ^ ^ " (Mary, Endless Corner )

very encouraged me to be receiving such positive reviews, but at the same time, I'm a little scared in case the rest of the novel does not like or if you have not read anything I expect too much and then disappoint you.
I hope not. Let's see if we will soon know!

you'll have a great weekend, readers:)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Vespa Lx 50 Blueprint

A positive critical response

As you may know who read my blog regularly, recently wrote a rather pessimistic input and criticism against publishers (although was not the first).

criticized the absence response or delay of them, not for reading and evaluating manuscripts (as it should be borne in mind that manuscripts are usually evaluated by more than one person and spend a series of filters, which takes time) but to tell you, at least if they liked your ideas and pass reading the manuscript, or for information on how you evaluation of it (repeat , some do, but many do not).

Well, as I am the first to criticize adversely publishers when I despair with them, wanted to be the first to criticize positively the publishing world when I get a pleasant surprise with it.

turns out that yesterday I received an email from a reader editorial has made one of the reports read my novel for the publishers to whom I have sent.
These reports are usually secret and the author of the novel do not know who does, but this reader, having read the post I wrote on my blog about the delay in publishing, was kind enough to write to try to cheer me up (how I see how desperate the poor!). Y it goes without saying that encouraged me, a lot.
words spurred me on what he'd like my novel, yes, (although, of course, I spent the report, only told me what he thought of it, far above), but what encouraged me was the detail that had to contact , and know that really are evaluating my work.

So today I want to thank this anonymous reader and those who are part of the publishing world and, like this, understand the importance of the "answers", the need for new author know what is happening with your work (if it is missing something.)

insist, is not that writers want to know NOW if our work will be published or not (we'd love to, of course, but we understand that this is impossible) but we want to know SOMETHING .

want to begin to treat us with respect least and when we send a proposal we answer, saying the proposal is interesting or it sucks, but we answer (there are 9 or 10 publishers with whom I have contacted you still have not told me anything about anything , and most I wrote in November).

Then, if asked the manuscript, it would be nice to be told how the process evaluation in that publisher and how long, approximately , it will take to get news (and we would not be bothering to publishers asking us. That to me at least that's something that, even if you did not do because I like to feel that I'm getting in a hurry and do not like being weighed).

And finally, we would like the deadlines given to us were fulfilled. I do not say exactly but approximately (as you know, I refer specifically to the publisher who promised me something at the end of January and not only has not told me anything yet but not respond to my e-mails).

But thanks to the anonymous reader I can see that in the publishing world still people who care about new writers and that is something that pleased and reassured to know.

I do not know if that specific publisher want to publish me or not (because I have not read the report of the reader and, although this was highly favorable, still would lack the reports of other readers of the editorial) pero tranquiliza saber que quedan editoriales que siguen dedicando a los autores noveles el tiempo que, como cualquier otro autor, se merecen.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How Much Finance Do I Get On Disability For A Car

publishing readers' questions: co-editing, publishing and recording search

Hace unos días un lector, concretamente narrador , del blog A Leer Toca  , me preguntó si podría escribir una entrada respondiendo a algunas dudas "literarias" que me planteaba en su e-mail.
Pensé en contestarle por privado, pero como es posible que algunos de vosotros os preguntéis lo mismo o tengáis interés en saberlo, decidí hacerle caso y escribir una entrada exclusiva para responderle :)
Así que allá vamos:

One of the narrator questions was: what is "co-editing?
Well, I'm no expert on issues of co-edits but I I can tell you what I know about it.
Broadly speaking one could say that there are three possible paths or options when publishing a book
  • published in an editorial as "habitual" ( the author offers his manuscript, the publisher pays all expenses ).
  • publishing in an editorial co-editing ( the publisher and the author share the costs ).
  • self-edit ( the author bears all costs ).
What most authors do to finish writing his works is what I'm trying to mine: find a publisher interested in publishing .
Co-edit and self-editing are some alternatives (equally valid) to which writers tend to use when publishing any "normal" wants to publish them.
For the same reason many authors fleeing the co-editing and self-editing Because they believe that a writer should not pay to publish it, but charge be published (at last, after all, who has completed a novel and writing it has done its job) and see the fact you have to pay to see his work on paper as a sign that the work is not good enough (since no one wanted to publish the "free").

When co-editing is supposed to pay to publish your work on paper, and in turn the publisher agrees to perform all the tasks of promotion and distribution your novel.
But precisely therein lies another of the risks of co-editing if you choose either the publisher. In an editorial "normal" when they agree to publish your work, them are those who put their money and that they risk . For that reason they more than anyone are interested in having your novel to succeed, because if sales do not go well, not recover the money invested in the publication.

However, in an editorial co-edition as the writer is paid , the editorial and not worried about whether your novel is selling well or not, since they have already paid. Therefore, it is thought that a co-publishing edition will not put much interest in promoting your work and distribute it as an editing "normal."

Anyway there are publishers and publishers, not to say that all publishers to co-edit are equal, there will be some who will be trustworthy and be committed to the authors and others that are only interested easy money. The important thing is to learn well if you decide to publish in this way.

My personal recommendation for writers who want to publish it, try your luck with the first publishers 'normal' (which you get paid by your work, not vice versa) and if no publisher was interested and would like to see your work published without caring to pay for it, to inform well about publishers co-edition and look that suits you.

The self-editing would leave as a last resource.

And here the issue of co-editing. I think I've said everything there is to say without going too, but if I forgot something or I have no doubt you can ask me:)

Another of the questions I had are: how publishers chose , how to send manuscripts and if I protected before sending .

The answer to the last question is simple: a huge YES. Always protect your writing once you've finished, especially if you show to others.

If publishers to send your manuscripts that are known and trusted, you should not worry about "stealing" or "plagiarism" your writing. Normally not be recorded because it is assumed they are safe in their hands. But as the registration process of a manuscript is very easy and not expensive, do not lose anything by registering "just in case " and so you stay quiet and you ensure that your work is safe:)

As to the question of how I chose to and publishers send manuscripts how ... The shipping depends on the publisher. Often (going to say "normally" but it is quite common that you do not say how) in the web pages publishers will have to specify how make us your work if you're interested in publishing them. Usually do not ask the entire manuscript, but an editorial proposal (with an overview of the work, some sample chapters and author's biographical note) and then, if they like the proposal, they ask the entire manuscript.

is increasingly common that allow them to send everything by e-mail (both the proposal and the manuscript), but there are still publishers who prefer that the manuscript send it by mail (which gives much laziness and cost you your pocket money, but what we have ... I guess some have this as a form of screening to ensure you're really interested in reading your work.)

As I say, it is common in Web publishing to tell you what you send and how, but may not specify, in this case plays write an e-mail to the address contact with and ask .

Regarding choosing publishers ... is as simple as going to a bookstore, the books whose subject matter resembles that of your work, write down the name of the publishers and then search the internet.
is highly recommended that you contact only with publishers whose catalog works include style yours, otherwise you will not probably not the case (and normal). So simple research will save you much time disregarding editorial not interested in your work for not being what they publish.

Well, I think today's post has been long enough, so do not delay you any longer.

I hope you have helpful information:) And you know that if you want to write of something that you want to know (related to the literature, of course) you only have to ask me ^ ^

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What To Do When Your Asked To Sign A Prenup

Odyssey Editorial (3 months and 3 weeks)

Although normally update every Tuesday to keep you abreast of new publications , they are so small or insubstantial do not think it worthwhile or create an entry to count.
Well, I must not break the habit and to vent a little.

No major developments. The "new" latest I have is a " not be heavy, we'll take whatever we ask we like it or not " diplomat from a publisher to whom I sent my proposal editorial y manuscrito y que me dijo que "en breve" me dirían algo.
Tras un par de semanas escribí preguntando si se habían leido la propuesta y si les había gustado (la propuesta, ojo, no el manuscrito, éste ya sabía que no se lo habrían leído aún) y me han dicho que aún están en ello, que (cito textualmente) " estas cosas llevan su tiempo ".
Como ya dije en otra entrada, entiendo perfectamente que leer y evaluar un manuscrito (que suelen tener una media de 200 páginas) lleve su tiempo, ¿pero leerse 15 páginas de una propuesta editorial? (que lleva, al menos la mía: una nota biográfica de la autora, una sinopsis two pages, three sample chapters and a brief market survey of a leaf and a half). To know if that interests you is more than two weeks?

I know, yes, I am aware that my proposal is not the only they have and also to read proposals will have to do many other things in an editorial, but I still believe that it is difficult to read this and decide if you want to read the entire manuscript or not take that long. The "noes" are fast ...

But of course, then there are the publishers that ask the manuscript and and not return to show signs life ... (As one whose name I withhold for the moment) so at least I have to thank that I continue answering.

Anyway, forgive this moment of complaint to the publishers but I needed to vent. Come to the heart:

addition to this editorial that is in it, another from which I wrote last Friday (without telling me anything! Lol) to tell me that this past weekend began to read my manuscript.
On one hand I was disappointed a little because I was told that I would give a final answer in February, so I expected I have already read. But on the other encouraged me because, after all, that is a thousand times better than a negative and there are still possibilities that they like. Hence
have not told me anything yet but I will not be so heavy at the moment keep waiting ...

Then there is another publisher who asked me about fifteen days to give me answer (is meeting this week), and quarter to which I submitted my proposal last week and I know that was read, but I have requested the manuscript, so I conclude that either have not finished reading the proposal, as mentioned above another publisher, or not interested.

4 editorial that I hope response, 3 of which have the full manuscript.

And about 8 or 9 that I have not been answered even once since I sent the proposal.

I know that it is too early to lose hope but I'm starting to get tired of waiting and so lack of news. If at least those who are interested in how you will inform the assessment and who are not saying you do not want to answer issue you ... but the absence of news and expected wear. A lot.

The good thing is that I've begun writing the second book in the series, which would be the sequel to the novel I'm trying to publish. But would motivate me more if I knew that the first will see the light of day ...

Finally, for something sweet I'll see if I cheer up a bit. Decaidillo feel the tone of today's post to see if the next is more positive.