Friday, January 7, 2011

Watch Batteries Die When I Wear Watches

What we celebrate as we celebrate the "Year of the Centenary of Machu Picchu to the World"?

E This is the year of the centenary of the birth of José María Arguedas (Andahuaylas 1911 - Lima, 1969). It was our desire and clamor, it was the best and expected, it conveniet, timeliness and sensible, that 2011 be named and remembered as the Year of the Centenary of the Birth of José María Arguedas ", however, and is a true sorry to say, once the rewards and recognizes the looting, opportunism and the resiliency of the "discoverer" of Machu Picchu, Hiram Bingham. Machu Picchu is our heritage, our pride and an invaluable symbol of the greatness of our ancestors, no doubt, but, in truth, nothing special is about 2011.

I repeat: most desirable and appropriate (where you look) was that the 2011 bear the name of Arguedas, in this way not only we honored the memory of one of the most distinguished and intellectual characters universally known and studied, but also it was an excellent opportunity to disseminate their thoughts, his work and his intellectual prowess, we lost an excellent opportunity to extend its name to all our fellow citizens (there is an undeniable truth: many are unaware of who he is and what is its significance in the literary tradition and especially the intellectual, political, educational , cultural anthropology and a nation like ours). Oportuniddaes like this we need to rethink, reinvent ourselves and recognize ourselves as a nation heterogeneous, multilingual and multicultural. Arguedas lived, fought and wrote for a Peru more just, equitable, inclusive, lived and felt in his veins and heart Quechua language and culture, reported the abuse, racism, exlusion and abuse suffered by indigenous people: we owe a lot to José María, "with his novels, short stories, anthropological, folkloric and teachers, contributed to the artistic and social value of indigenous Quechua-ridden for centuries' in the country. He lived and fought tirelessly and proverbially "For a wise Peru loaded with powerful, full of generosity by eager students and real teachers who act with generosity knew

Me may quote the anthropologist Ruth Sady: "The 2011 does not mean anything related to the significance of Machu Picchu. Would have preferred to be the year of José María Arguedas, who really is a symbolic character that has a message, a content and a very important meaning to all present and future generation, "he told RPP Noticias.

was an opportunity to "Share, cohesive, integrate all the blood and was the centenary of his birth, then I think we should have a recognition of him. We were hoping that this happens because Arguedas is a character, an asset to our country not only of literature but for its historical message, "he said indignantly, so we believe too, and that we feel.

is not crying over spilled milk (if I may use this well-known popular saying). I raise my voice in protest, my anger knows no bounds: I can not shut up. We can not and must not remain silent against such failure, it seems voluntary, calculated, well thought out and planned by the APRA government. Colossal ego got the better of our president, got the better of frivolity, ignorance and stupidity of our lawmakers.

Now the questions are: Why this omission?, Why we are denied such rights and claims, what does extraneous reasons or impulses move our politicians to do so?
Here are some reasons or hypotheses, which seem to be alien to the truth: Veto
Arguedas and "adjustment" of accounts: the APRA and Fujimori lawmakers, backed by some congressmen called "defectors", refused to nominate 2011 with the name of the centenary of the birth of José María Arguedas. Instead, in the first instance, chose the most ridiculous of names: "Year of the submarine, which is utterly useless and absurd, as well as ridiculous, after successive governments who have abandoned the armed forces: no forget that we occupy one of the last places among the countries with fewer units of submarines.

then decided on the name of the centenary of the discovery of Machu Picchu, which is more a tribute to his "discoverer" Hiram Bingham, rather than the prodigious Inca architecture, known long before Hiram Bingham residents place.

What is the reason why "our" parliament have rejected Arguedas honor? Lies not only in the low cultural level of these, but is because he knew the poor entails Arguedas Twisted APRA and even photographed and caricatured in his novels.

The other hypothesis does not look a hair taken from: the colossal ego of our president. The celebration will be big in the Inca sanctuary has attracted to the region of Cusco to one million 550 thousand tourists in 2010. According to some tourist sources, the central ceremony of the centennial will be televised worldwide and start the novelist Mario Vargas Llosa, who in 2010 won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Are expected to attend President Garcia, who this month completed its mandate, and invited foreign rulers, as well as hundreds of journalists and there will be a demonstration of Andean folklore. Will invited celebrities including rock singers Sting, Paul McCartney and Bono and ten grandchildren of Hiram Bingham, being able to sing Juan Diego Flórez, the famous Peruvian opera performer.

IN CONCLUSION, the agent who is profiled by 2016 wants to say goodbye to the "large" with an international festival, ostentatious and muldialmente transmitted. We are not against the festival itself, but how and for what purposes you intend to use. Is this the real reason that the name of Arguedas has been displaced? Think and draw their own concluiones.


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