Friday, December 31, 2010

Chikan (train Groping)

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011: new challenges, new opportunities, new projects and

The 2010 has been a good year, although no major events. It was a year of calm, reflection and productivity. No illnesses suffer, and no loss to mourn, in cuantoconcierne to me. It was the year when I returned to university classrooms, this has meant a new stage of learning and reading more than I have been helpful to new and deep reflections and reviews: rethinking the meaning of education in the country, rethinking on the importance of teaching quality: what is education?, why educate? why educate? How to educate? What education? To whom to educate? ...

University is always a place of encounters and conflicts, dreams, loves and hates, is the protagonita of debates, dialogues and exchange of experiecia and experiences: some famous, some respectable and many unnecessary and even absurd. However, I regret to say, the university also is protagonosta an unfortunate and undeniable fact: there is mediocrity in the classroom, and I say public universities (many of the private are not exempt from this responsibility) poor infrastructure, bad professional quality of teachers, petty corruption and stupidity. Not to mention the mediocrity in classrooms and schools in Peru, teachers without higher aspirations, rudimentary conformist, left, mediocre students with behavioral problems, conformist, unmotivated, disinterested parents, uninformed, outside, passive and indifferent attending the training good, medium or bad for their children ...

In college I met new friends, future colleagues and some already in practice; valuable one, indifferent to others. It was here where I fell again, from debates, exhibitions, discussions heated or passionate; between paseillo and walks Sunday, between the sea breeze and theaters, but did love as soon as it arrived.

However, and perhaps in spite of this, I must say that 2010 was also the year of love: I fell in love and lived through that wonderful feeling, which sublimates at all, regardless of whether they are angels or demons, no matter the age or sex, or social status, regardless of the religion or ideology: I met Roxanne, a girl aged 24, born 20 September, she made me sigh, shook my arms, my heart and my legs rattled the air I breathe and my womb removed. "A thousand times over, September is a wonderful month, I wrote for her and for her somewhere, to congratulate her on her birthday. "Oh Roxana sky and sea / Flor smelled / Azucena scented / Lily, iris colors / The evening had wings and took me to you / The hours had wings and brought me to you / The streets had wings for you / A winged bird flying / In the center of your eyes hidden winged / winged Piedras flying towards you / Rivers wore winged winged fish "I wrote then, and howled and panted like crazy, I drunk with wine and beer and cried for love as ever, and then ends in a supreme act of inspired and motivated by the desire tell him how much I liked, he loved her and wanted her since I saw and knew that Sunday, with the deep and secret hope of being loved in return: "Oh winged love! / I found you / And you leaves the star / And let your dreams / To the sea winged and blue. "

But it is also the year in which they drank less and less frequented friendships and social gatherings. This has allowed me more time to estarme myself and live a life ordered and delivered to work, reading and writing. "loneliness at times overwhelming and makes you think about many things," said Roxana me one of those conversations "facebookteras" fleeting and spontaneous keeping with the times. "Solitude, peace, silence and tranquility are valuable and necessary. It all depends on how we receive and in what circumstances "retruqué. It general, we need their own space, personnel, need more time to think, to reflect and to meet with ourselves, only then can we find our inner self, the only way we explore and exorcize us, exploit our inner demons, our hopes; we revive our traumas, and to discuss our concerns, we live our dreams and deepest desires.

is sad to say, and I leave with sadness, today we live in chaos, disorder, noise, the comings and goings of all ... We work to live and live to work: this is a personal story to which we limit ourselves. Those fortunate they work to live and can live peacefully with no major concerns or economic hardship: the Peru forward? Surely yes ... but you have to wonder where advances and how.
new year comes and goes as soon as it arrives. The 2011 should be a good year and better: e need to recognize in our Peruvian Peruvians say, Peruvians feel, think ... to Peru Peruvian Peruvian missing much, I say with regret and sometimes with the heart ripped and torn by poverty, indifference, intolerance, social inequality, racism, opportunism, mediocrity. Are all signs of underdevelopment that we delete, are signs rather than unite, separate, rather than build, destroy, instead of contruyir.

Finally, I note and thank the class personalidedes global and local that have given us success, recognition, emotions, pride, and above all: clear lessons have given us what we can and must do: Mario Vargas Llosa (Nobel Prize for Literature 2010), Susana Villa (first woman mayor in the history of our republic), Gaston Acurio (maximum exponent in our kitchen and dining, thanks to him our culinary Peru and is fashionable and is in the world), Claudia Llosa, among many other personalities who have much to say and learn.

I'm not the superstitious and those who are speculating, but do something: let's get pen and paper or we create a file on your computer and make a list of things to do, what we want to do, how we would like being, our goals goals, projects and purposes ... and work in 2011 according to plan, just so we know objectively whether or not we have what we have tried. I do not believe in divine miracles, but I believe in other miracles, believe in the miracle of education, I believe in the miracle of effort, achievement and records, I believe in the miracle of freedom, commitment and solidarity! Let miracles ourselves, our families and our countrymen!



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