Friday, January 21, 2011

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How Congress elect the future?: This is a shameful truth raised by Augusto Alvarez Rodrich

may be worse ah
By Augusto Alvarez Rodrich

The disturbing formation of the next Congress.

No group achieved the vote enough to form a majority, so the next Congress would have about seven games without a lead. But the main risk is not to be fragmented but even more mediocre and corrupt than the present.

Concern for this possibility is obvious. Confiep president, Ricardo Briceno just urge the parties to assess "very closely" to its candidates to Congress and has been recommended to endorse the operation 'Lupita corruption' that promotes Proética to promote transparency of the nominations.

is understandable that the business sector are concerned about a further deterioration of Parliament. First, the torpedoes they can leave from the Plaza Bolivar to economic stability. Second, corruption, promoting, stop or change a law. Third, because Congress needed to pass key reforms that are pending in areas like education, health, safety or justice.

few political groups, at least, are expressing the desire to make a responsible recruitment in their lists of candidates, as seen so far suggests the worst, namely that the creation is made with such precarious the result is, between 2011 and 2016, a more mediocre and corrupt Congress that we have now. This would not be a surprise because, over the past two decades, each new Parliament has been worse than the previous.

criteria, unfortunately, used various parties to form their lists of candidates are:

1. Loyalty leader. Before the ability to contribute to the design of public policies, is put in the balance of unconditional willingness to obey in everything, all the chief.

2. Base metal. The economic contribution for a campaign is often a decisive factor in selecting candidates. There are parties who book places on the list for those patrons and did not ask them where the money goes. This allows some unscrupulous lobbyists to put their representatives in Congress to do their bidding. Also, the drug trade.
3. Family ties. Give him a seat on the household economic needs to solve the most common.

4. Feedback magnets. Seeks artists, athletes or anyone with fame and notoriety to attract voters without prejudice to not have the slightest idea what or where is the Congress.

With criteria like that should surprise anyone is a risk that the next Congress is even worse than today. That is less efficient, more poor, less intelligent, more corrupt. Although you may not believe.

SOURCE: The Republic


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