Sunday, October 24, 2010

Watch ]ross Kemp In Afgahnistan

- Manuel González Prada (in free datasheets)

Those who tread on the threshold of life hoi together to give a lesson to those who come to the brink of the grave. The party that has witnessed a lot of patriotism i bit of irony: the child wants to rescue the gold that no man could defend with iron.
Older children should tremble before, because the generation is rising i always accusing Judge jeneración descending. From here, glad i boisterous groups, will the austere thinker i taciturn, hence, the poet who fulmine retempering steel stanzas, hence, the historian who check the offender's forehead with a stamp of indelible disgrace.
children, be courageous, early in life, because no inheritance jeneración received more sad, because none had most sacred duties to perform, more serious errors that remedy or revenge more just to satisfy. Orji
In the time independent, your ancestors drank wine Jener i left the stool. Being superior to your parents, you will have the right to write the epitaph of a jeneración embarrassing to be, stained with civil war a half century, with the fraudulent bankruptcy i with the mutilation of the country.
If you are currently out to recall shame i renewed pain, not accuse or excuse one another. Who can cast the first stone?
Chile's brutal hand tore our flesh i crushed our bones, but the real winners, the enemy's weapons were our ignorance i our spirit of bondage.

Without specialists, or rather, with fans who presumed omniscient, live from trial to trial, tests fans en Diplomacia, ensayos de aficionados en Economía Política, ensayos de aficionados en Lejislación i hasta ensayos de aficionados en Tácticas i Estratejias. El Perú fué cuerpo vivo, espuesto sobre el mármol de un anfiteatro, para sufrir las amputaciones de cirujanos que tenían ojos con cataratas seniles i manos con temblores de paralítico. Vimos al abogado dirijir l'hacienda pública, al médico emprender obras de injeniatura, al teólogo fantasear sobre política interior, al marino decretar en administración de justicia, al comerciante mandar cuerpos d'ejército... Cuánto no vimos en esa fermentación tumultuosa de todas las mediocridades, en esas vertijinosas apariciones i desapariciones insubstantial figures of man, in this constant changing of roles, in this Babel, in short, where blatant ignorance i vain overcame humble know i always quiet!
With free but undisciplined mobs of the Revolution, left France to victory, with armies of Indians disciplined i without freedom, Peru will always defeat. If the Indians did a servant defend what country? As a servant of the Middle Ages, only will fight for the lord.
I, however hard i even cruel to repeat here, imajinéis, gentlemen, that the spirit of slavery is peculiar to only the Indian highlands, also mixed remember the sea have in our veins the blood of the subjects of Philip II blood mixed with the subjects of Huayna-Capac1. Our spine tends to bend.
The English nobility left their offspring dejenerada i wasteful: the winner of Independence bequeathed his office i military offspring. A strategy i sow wheat metal, youth preferred the last jeneración brain atrophy in the stables of the barracks i parchmentdressed the skin in the offices. Men fit for the rough work of the mine field i sought the delicacy of the feast fallen government, exercised an insatiable sucking on the juices of the national treasury i overcame the leader who gave i bread honors to the country that gold i exijía sacrifices. So, while in Peru there were always liberal i conservatives, there was never a true liberal party or a true conservative party, but three major divisions: the pro-government, the conspirators i indifferent selfishness, stupidity or disappointment. Therefore, in the supreme moment of the struggle against the enemy were not a giant di bronze, but a lead group of filings, not a united nation i strong, but a number of individuals attracted particular interest and repelled each other by the spirit of party. So when the most obscure soldier of the invading army did not take their lips more Chile name, we, from the first General-to the latest recruit, we repeated the name of a leader, were serfs of the Middle Ages that invocábamos the feudal lord. I
mountainous highlands Indians, mestizos from the coast, we were all ignorant i servants, i could not beat or win.

If ignorance of the rulers i servitude of the governed were our winners, go to science, that teaches us to redeeming soften the tyranny of nature, love the freedom, the mother of strong men enjendradora .
not speak, gentlemen, science mummified going to fall to dust in our universities retrograde: Science talk strengthened with the blood of the century, the Radio Science jigantesco ideas of science that transcends the youth i know Greek honey combs, Science positive in only a century of industrial applications produced more goods to humanity that whole millennia Teolojía i Metaphysics.
Speak Lord, for freedom for all, i mainly for the very poorest. They are not the real Peru Creole clusters i foreigners living in the strip of land between the Andes i Pacific, the nation is formed by crowds of Indians scattered on the east of the mountains. Three hundred years the Indian tracks in the lower layers of civilization, being a hybrid with the vices of the barbarian i without the virtues of Europe: even teach him to read i write, i will see if in a quarter century or rises to the dignity of man. To you, teachers d'School, plays galvanize a race that slumbers under the tyranny of the magistrate, the Governor i of the priest, that trinity of indio2 stultifying.

When we have people without a spirit of servitude, military i l'i political height century Tacna Arica recover, then i then i only i Tarapacá Iquique march on, give the decisive blow, first i last.

For the great day that will end because the future owes us a win, phlegm only in the light of our brain i on the strength of our arms. Gone are the days when only the value decided by the fighting: hoi war is a, problem, solve the equation of Science. International romance i abandon faith in the superhuman aid: Earth mocks the losers, i Heaven has no rays to the executioner.

In this work of reconstruction revenge i do not have the men of the past: i decayed logs were elderly and their deleterious i smell flowers bitter taste its fruits. Bring on new trees to bear fruit flowers new i new! The old to the grave, young people to work!


Why despair? We did not come here to weep over the ruins of a second Jerusalem, but to strengthen us with hope. Let Boabdil mourn as women, we hope as hombres3. Never
except now it is the lowering of mood coward or chest complaints without virility hoi Tacna breaks his silence i sends the memory of Brother to Brother captive free, Let us rise a few inches above the mire of personal ambitions, ia words of love i hope we respond with words of encouragement i fraternity. Why
discouraged? Our climate, our soil are perhaps the last of the Universe? On earth there hai par'adquirir gold riches should produce a single spring of Peru. Does our brain is shaped Hottentots rudimentary brains, or our flesh was mixed with the mud of Sodom? Our mountain villages are men drowsy, not petrified statues.
not without our race d'electricity in the nerves and phosphorus in the brain, we need, yes, consistency in the muscle i iron in the blood. Anemic nervous i do not know love or hate firmly. Versatile in politics, a leader hoi love to sacrifice our rights for the sake of the dictatorship, i hate him i am to plunge him down under a barrage of mud and blood. No patience to wait good, let us demand improvise what is the work of the late incubation, we want a man in one day repair the faults of four generosity. The history of many governments of Peru it in three words: stupidity in action, but the entire life of the people is summed up in three: versatility in motion.
If we are versatile in love, not hate us less, the knife is penetrating into our guts i and forgive the murderer. Someone has cut our fields i burnt our towns i maimed our territory i assaulted our wealth made the whole country in ruins of a cemetery Well, gentlemen, that someone who swore eternal grudge i implacable vengeance, begins to be counted in the number of our friends, it is abhorrent to us with all the fire of blood, with all the anger of the heart. Since i
hypocrisy lies are the poles of the diplomacy, let governments hypocritically lying swearing friendship i forgot. We free men gathered here to hear words of loyalty i frankly, we do not fear or respect sensitivities explanations, we raise our voice to straighten the bent skeleton WITH THESE crowds, do for oxijenar est'atmósfera tainted with the breath of many infected organs i we launch a spark that ignites in the hearts of the people firmly par'amar fire everything must love, i hate firmly to everything also must hate.
wish, gentlemen, the lesson given by hoi Lima Free Colejios find examples in the humblest villages of the Republic! Hopefully all parties repeated phrases such mellifluous speeches are not destined to die within the walls of a theater, but tough hammering that rumble by all areas of the country! I wish each of my words become an impact thunder in the heart of all Peruvians i wake up the two feelings rejenerarnos i able to save us: the love of country i hate to Chile! Place our hand on the chest, the heart will tell if we hate him ... If you hate
loses unfair to individuals, just hate always saves nations. By hatred of Prussia, hoi France is powerful as ever. When Paris ajita vanquished, Berlin stands victorious. Every day, every moment, we admire the deeds of men who triumphed in the plains of Marathon or were killed in the defiles of Thermopylae, i well, "the moral grandeur of the ancient Greeks was their constant love friends i hate your enemies immutable. " No promotion because, in ourselves the feelings of the guardian of harems bland, but the formidable passions enjendrar man born for the future Avengers. Do not tell the world that the memory of the injury faded from our memories before it disappeared off our backs the wheal raised by the Chilean whip.
Truth, hoi anything we can, we are powerless, but stoke the anger, our despair revolvámonos as the beast wallows in thorns if i dont have to tear claws and teeth to bite off to even the evil of our anger virile rujidos will from time to time to disturb the sleep of the proud winner! 1888


1 Felipe II, King of Spain between 1556-1598, years in which consolidated the English empire in the Americas. Huayna Capac was Tahuantinsuyo last Inca of a united, as their two children filed a civil war, a war that unfolded at the time the English arrived at the Inca kingdom. He died in 1525. Huayna Capac Felipe II and representing the dual origin of the Peruvian people, English and Quechua [TW].
2 One possibility is to attach the symbol of the trinity brutalizing Gonzalez Prada as does Efraín Kristal in a urban vision of the Andes: Genesis and development of indigenous peoples in Peru 1848-1930, Lima: Institute of Agricultural Support, 1991 : 114. However, the figure was first presented in "If you do bad, do not expect it," short story published in Gorriti Revista de Lima 4 (1861): 111-7, 147-159. Without using the word trinity, Gorriti says the Andean must protect "the prefect, the landowner, the priest." Juana Manuela Gorriti, Dreams and Realities, two volumes, Buenos Aires, 1907: II, 171. Thus the possibility arises that Matto de Turner took his formulation of González Prada or Gorriti, or synthesized view of the two. See Clorinda Matto de Turner, Aves sin nido, Lima: Peisa, 1988: 52. The first to point out these connections between González Prada and Matto was Kristal, an urban vision of the Andes, 114, 137 [TW].
3 Boabdil was the last Moorish king of Granada before concluding there the reconquest [TW].



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