Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bushnell Tatical Elite 1 X 32


I walk desolate streets and impossible worlds worlds
eat away the skin and eat away the soul of the dreamer
is cactus and thorns at the foot of the road;
rivers dry, dry, serpentine rivers, birds
blue stones that break rowdy silence.
birds and swirls it around
drag canopy trees fall, winds
lonely suns, stars, comets, stars seƱaln no longer paths.

Voices voices and moans that torture the souls
voices and smiles, cries that pierce ears and pierce the night and the wind bore
Silenced voices
sign of the Cross that the sufferer:
"Oh, nothing!
Oh, the ruin treasured!
Oh, sores that do not complain!

Dolores perpetuating their endless complaints
painful insects Walking under the mantle of suffering "
words, moans: music of endless miseries impossible
withering man.

be back to back with sad eyes and withered
up to the horizon and lost
What lies beyond the invisible worlds?
What lies beyond the impossible worlds?
What, beyond abstract possibilities?

fallen trees and forests are dying
memories and dust
bone on bone under the burning sun.
There is the song of a solitary bird, which fades to dust
nostalgia is more alive than the penalties
nostalgia is more alive than my veins
there, too, September 1 has ever loved
saddened to my eyes, and my nails and my feet are
memories and sadness, nostalgia and sorrow
men are lost in the dust
names are lost in time there
sex and sad and withered breasts afternoon
and sad voice sings
no longer tired and sad voice that goes.

portents and wonders are great
twenty-four hours sailing beyond the nostalgia
on the horizon and lost.
There are cathedrals cathedrals
begging begging hidden landscapes never be discovered.
There the man who crushed the man
there are steps
retiemblan finally steps imperial miseries that oppress
the blows of beats man against man
and routine policies and misery and tears.

But one day, before time runs out
born of light and the belly of the earth
water and dust
stone and ashes
flower born Spring
child born to cry for a missing mother, tired and devoted to her own cross

And time and night
and death and life
and heaven and earth
plowed the furrows, the path of man redeemed
and invisible worlds will not be enough
and will not be enough
impossible worlds are not enough abstract possibilities

shameless discouraged Oh heaven! Ah
foreign victory coming down!


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