Friday, October 8, 2010

Rent Trailer In Scotland

Mario Vargas Llosa: NOBEL PRIZE FOR LITERATURE 2010, for Peru and the world

An award is a recognition, a reward, a reward or remuneration that is taken for any merit or service to someone. Yesterday morning, through the RPP, we have heard this wonderful news: Mario Vargas Llosa is the Nobel Prize of Literature 2010, "On the mapping of the structures of power and sharp images of resistance, rebellion and defeat of the individual "(as in the Swedish Academy announced). We can not be alien to this event: we have all won international recognition, with this highest honor: the Peruvian community Hispanic, English language, Latin America and the entire world literature. Therefore, today is cause for celebration, pride, joy and rejoicing is a source of joy and satisfaction.

Nobel Prize (whose pronunciation and writing is sharp, "/ Nobel /" not serious "/ nobel /" and should be written without a tilde: Nobel) is given annually since 1901 (there were some interruptions). The highest award has existed since the Swede Alfred Nobel, the man who invented dynamite and accumulated wealth through it (and perhaps driven by a sense of guilt for their responsibility to have created the dynamite used in mining and in war) signed his will in the Swedish-Norwegian Club in Paris in 1895. It was his last will providing all of his "fortune" to create a fund "whose interests will be distributed each year in the form of prizes to those who during the past year have made the greatest benefit on mankind." There

Nobel prizes for Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, Economics and Peace. The Nobel Peace Prize is the most awaited and prestigious with the literature in the round of Nobel, today in Oslo, it was announced that Eeste prize was awarded to Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo (arrested by the Chinese government and declared guilty of subversion for writing, in 2008, the Charter 08 - a document that calls for freedom and an end to the political hegemony of the Communist Party - and other political messages. A year later he was sentenced to 11 years imprisonment).

In recent days were disclosed to the relevant scientific field, starting with Medicine on Monday for the Briton Robert G. Edwards was followed by the Physics on Tuesday, shared by the Russian Konstantin Andre Geim and Novoselov.

Wednesday, accounted for the turn of Chemistry, which went to American and Japanese Richard Heck Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki.

The Nobel Prize in Literature is worth 10 million kronor (1.1 million euros or 1.5 billion dollars) and, like the rest of the awards, delivered on 10 December, coinciding with the anniversary of the death of its founder, Alfred Nobel. Mario Vargas Llosa

has won this top award, the first for Peru, the sixth in Latin America. Lucila de Maria del Perpetuo Socorro Godoy Alcayaga, better known as Gabriela Mistral (Vicuña, April 7, 1889 - New York, January 10, 1957), won the Award for Chile in 1945, the Guatemalan Miguel Ángel Asturias (1899 - 1974) was awarded in 1967 Basoalto Ricardo Eliecer Neftali Reyes, Pablo Neruda (Parral, 12 julio de 1904 – Santiago de Chile, 23 de septiembre de 1973) logró el segundo Nobel para Chile en 1971; Gabriel García Márquez (1927), en 1982; para México lo logró Octavio Paz Lozano (1914 - 998), en 1990.

Más de un alumno me ha preguntado en las aulas: ¿por qué le dieron el Premio Nobel de la Literatura a Mario Vargas Llosa? ¿Por qué hay Premio Nobel de Literatura, si la Literatura es solo un arte? Mi respuesta siempre ha sido la misma; y ha sido enfática y orgullosa y emotiva: porque Don Mario no solo ha escrito maravillosas y monumentales obras como La ciudad y los perros, Conversación en la catedral, La guerra del fin del mundo o La fiesta del Chivo, sino porque through them Mario has taught us and teaches us to be more human, to live a more critical and reflective, for in them denouncing the tyranny, reflects our passions and our inner demons, our conflicts and our contradictions, as individuals, as a society and as humans, it is the most universal of all of us and is a free man who lives for freedom, for democracy advocates, who criticize, question and denounces all forms of violence, inequality and tyranny in the Americas and especially in our Peru, as totalitarian, as contradictory and heterogeneous, and often violent.

That and much more: thanks Mario! From here, thank you. Thank you Peru is magnified in the world, thanks to you, Peruvian and Latin American literature will never be the same, thanks to you the English language is much stronger in the world. What happiness, Mario! What pride and much satisfaction! Today was a day to be proud to recognize Peruvian and lifted us to be happy and all, for once and forever.

Good for the Arequipa, for all of us, literature and English language.

Finally, as additional data, remember that Mario Vargas Llosa has won awards such as Cervantes, Prince de Asturias, Planet or Rómulo Gallegos, and Doctor Honoris Causa from American universities, European and Asian, in his case, however, the Nobel missing now have.



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