Thursday, October 14, 2010

Does Red Cross Test For Weed


The Navy has stated that Peru on Sunday 17 October this year DOORS HABRIRAN the Callao Naval Base so that the civilian population know their armed forces: its warships and the German-built submarines The Cruise Missile BAP. Almirante Grau, Missile Frigate, the Missile Corbetas, landing ships amphibians and all ships and military equipment used in the various missions undertaken by the Navy throughout the country as the VRAE, Selva et al. All the places to visit will be in charge of military guides that after a brief answer to the concerns of those have any questions or curiosity. NO MISSING, admission is free with ID for adults.

DATE AND TIME: Sunday, October 17, 2010, from 08:00 to 15:00 (it is recommended to go early).

LOCATION: Callao Naval Base located on Admiral Avenue Mora without number-Callao.


1) From Avenue Alfonso Lima Center Ugarte can take minibuses that go across the street Venezuela to the Callao Naval Base or whereabouts SIMA, that's almost the last whereabouts of these combis.

2) could also go with the 105 and 120 combis, and get in the door "7" of the Callao Naval Base, which is located inthe Avenue Gambeta without number. The 105 has its terminal on 30 meters from the Plaza Dos de Mayo. The 120 has its whereabouts in the Avenida Argentina, one block from Union Square.

3) Upon arriving at the base, will account for the large number of people who visit the facilities.

4) If you have enough money to take a taxi.

DISPLACEMENT: seen the base is very large, the desplazamineto to the docks will be via bus for free.

IMPORTANT: Admission is free

REQUIREMENT: be Peruvian by birth and identity card for adults.

RECOMMENDED: Go early (well before 08:00) to avoid long lines, carrying a camera or camera phone (better the latter to avoid suspicion). Have some money to buy a soda or something to eat to alleviate hunger, or perhaps buy a garment with allusions to the Marina (there are shops within the Base).


Jaime Albino


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