Friday, December 31, 2010

Chikan (train Groping)

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011: new challenges, new opportunities, new projects and

The 2010 has been a good year, although no major events. It was a year of calm, reflection and productivity. No illnesses suffer, and no loss to mourn, in cuantoconcierne to me. It was the year when I returned to university classrooms, this has meant a new stage of learning and reading more than I have been helpful to new and deep reflections and reviews: rethinking the meaning of education in the country, rethinking on the importance of teaching quality: what is education?, why educate? why educate? How to educate? What education? To whom to educate? ...

University is always a place of encounters and conflicts, dreams, loves and hates, is the protagonita of debates, dialogues and exchange of experiecia and experiences: some famous, some respectable and many unnecessary and even absurd. However, I regret to say, the university also is protagonosta an unfortunate and undeniable fact: there is mediocrity in the classroom, and I say public universities (many of the private are not exempt from this responsibility) poor infrastructure, bad professional quality of teachers, petty corruption and stupidity. Not to mention the mediocrity in classrooms and schools in Peru, teachers without higher aspirations, rudimentary conformist, left, mediocre students with behavioral problems, conformist, unmotivated, disinterested parents, uninformed, outside, passive and indifferent attending the training good, medium or bad for their children ...

In college I met new friends, future colleagues and some already in practice; valuable one, indifferent to others. It was here where I fell again, from debates, exhibitions, discussions heated or passionate; between paseillo and walks Sunday, between the sea breeze and theaters, but did love as soon as it arrived.

However, and perhaps in spite of this, I must say that 2010 was also the year of love: I fell in love and lived through that wonderful feeling, which sublimates at all, regardless of whether they are angels or demons, no matter the age or sex, or social status, regardless of the religion or ideology: I met Roxanne, a girl aged 24, born 20 September, she made me sigh, shook my arms, my heart and my legs rattled the air I breathe and my womb removed. "A thousand times over, September is a wonderful month, I wrote for her and for her somewhere, to congratulate her on her birthday. "Oh Roxana sky and sea / Flor smelled / Azucena scented / Lily, iris colors / The evening had wings and took me to you / The hours had wings and brought me to you / The streets had wings for you / A winged bird flying / In the center of your eyes hidden winged / winged Piedras flying towards you / Rivers wore winged winged fish "I wrote then, and howled and panted like crazy, I drunk with wine and beer and cried for love as ever, and then ends in a supreme act of inspired and motivated by the desire tell him how much I liked, he loved her and wanted her since I saw and knew that Sunday, with the deep and secret hope of being loved in return: "Oh winged love! / I found you / And you leaves the star / And let your dreams / To the sea winged and blue. "

But it is also the year in which they drank less and less frequented friendships and social gatherings. This has allowed me more time to estarme myself and live a life ordered and delivered to work, reading and writing. "loneliness at times overwhelming and makes you think about many things," said Roxana me one of those conversations "facebookteras" fleeting and spontaneous keeping with the times. "Solitude, peace, silence and tranquility are valuable and necessary. It all depends on how we receive and in what circumstances "retruqué. It general, we need their own space, personnel, need more time to think, to reflect and to meet with ourselves, only then can we find our inner self, the only way we explore and exorcize us, exploit our inner demons, our hopes; we revive our traumas, and to discuss our concerns, we live our dreams and deepest desires.

is sad to say, and I leave with sadness, today we live in chaos, disorder, noise, the comings and goings of all ... We work to live and live to work: this is a personal story to which we limit ourselves. Those fortunate they work to live and can live peacefully with no major concerns or economic hardship: the Peru forward? Surely yes ... but you have to wonder where advances and how.
new year comes and goes as soon as it arrives. The 2011 should be a good year and better: e need to recognize in our Peruvian Peruvians say, Peruvians feel, think ... to Peru Peruvian Peruvian missing much, I say with regret and sometimes with the heart ripped and torn by poverty, indifference, intolerance, social inequality, racism, opportunism, mediocrity. Are all signs of underdevelopment that we delete, are signs rather than unite, separate, rather than build, destroy, instead of contruyir.

Finally, I note and thank the class personalidedes global and local that have given us success, recognition, emotions, pride, and above all: clear lessons have given us what we can and must do: Mario Vargas Llosa (Nobel Prize for Literature 2010), Susana Villa (first woman mayor in the history of our republic), Gaston Acurio (maximum exponent in our kitchen and dining, thanks to him our culinary Peru and is fashionable and is in the world), Claudia Llosa, among many other personalities who have much to say and learn.

I'm not the superstitious and those who are speculating, but do something: let's get pen and paper or we create a file on your computer and make a list of things to do, what we want to do, how we would like being, our goals goals, projects and purposes ... and work in 2011 according to plan, just so we know objectively whether or not we have what we have tried. I do not believe in divine miracles, but I believe in other miracles, believe in the miracle of education, I believe in the miracle of effort, achievement and records, I believe in the miracle of freedom, commitment and solidarity! Let miracles ourselves, our families and our countrymen!


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Southpark Episodes For The Iphone

responsibilities.Your Course Workshop Faculty Development in Literature 2011 - Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos-

La Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, has opened a Workshop in Teacher Training in Literature, is aimed at teachers of language arts schools, colleges, universities, and the general public. Cosnta course of three modules: literary theory comtemporáneas, analysis and interpretation of texts Peruvian Literature and last, cost 200 new soles, is between 17 January and 18 February 2011. Those who are interested can read the following statement:

Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos - College of Arts and Humanities


Literature Department

Course Teacher Training Workshop in Literature 2011

The Literature Department, Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, in his desire to contribute to meeting the needs and demands of education at different levels, opens registration for the course "Teacher Training Workshop in Literature 2011", aimed at teachers of language arts schools, colleges, universities, and the general public. The workshop offers a series of courses, taught by professors from our Department of Literature, which will enable teachers to update their knowledge on different fields of literary work, in addition to certification valid for the Roster of the Ministry of Education.

The workshop consists of the following courses:
Module 1: Contemporary Literary Theory

Module 2: Analysis and interpretation of texts

Module 3: Literatura Peruvian

will last 120 hours (60 classroom and 60 away)

to be held from January 17 to February 18, 2011

In the following hours: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 3:00 pm. At 6:20 pm

Ranking Official certification valid for the Ministry of Education
Investment: 200 soles

We look forward to your valuable participation.

Information and registration from January 3, 2001 at:

Literature Department / Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences / Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Avenue Germain

Amezaga s / n. Ciudad Universitaria, Lima 1
Phone: 619-7000 Annex 2826 / Email: edda.pratto @

poster is attached

Friday, December 10, 2010

Orbit Remote Car Starter Manual

Conté and graphite pencil on Canson paper glued to board
65 * 45 cms

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hikeing Boots Made In America

praise of reading and fiction - Mario Vargas Llosa

"In Peru I take him in the belly because he was born, grew up, I trained, I lived those experiences of childhood and youth that shaped my personality, forged my vocation, and because there loved, hated, rejoiced, and I had dreamed. "

share this time the speech of Mario Vargas Llosa. A lesson of love, patriotism, loyalty, freedom, democracy, recognition, gratitude, excellence. A compliment of reading and fiction, as indicated by the title. this speech, Vargas Llosa celebrates his teachers, his wife Patricia and children, to Arequipa, Piura, Leoncio Prado to school, to Arguedas to Peru, "all the blood" to Spain, France and the friends of all parties, defends democracy, freedom, cosmopolitanism; condemnation complaint and repudiates all forms of fanaticism, religion and nationalism. A room full of reflections literary, political, full of reading and learning that can reflect with every sentence he uttered.

Here we leave the full speech:

praise of reading and fiction

I learned to read at age five in the class of Justinian brother at the College de la Salle, in Cochabamba (Bolivia). It is the most important thing that happened to me in life. Almost seventy years later I remember clearly how that magic translate words into images of the books, enriched my life, breaking the barriers of time and space and allowing me to travel with Captain Nemo twenty thousand leagues under the sea, fighting alongside d 'Artagnan, Athos, Porthos and Aramis against the intrigues that threaten the Queen at the time of winding Richelieu, or crawl through the bowels of Paris, became Jean Valjean, with the lifeless body of Marius in tow.

Reading turned the dream life and dream life and put the scope of the piece of man that I was the universe of literature. My mother told me that the first things I wrote were continuations of the stories I read as I was sorry and wanted to finish amending the end. And perhaps that's what I've spent my life doing without knowing it: for long time, growing up, maturing and growing old, the stories that filled my childhood with excitement and adventure.

I wish my mother were here, she used to get excited and mourn reading the poems by Amado Nervo and Pablo Neruda, and his grandfather Pedro, big nose and bald head gleaming, celebrating my verses, and Uncle Lucho both encouraged me to turn over body and soul to write but the literature at that time and place, so ill fed to its practitioners. All my life I had with me and people who loved and encouraged me, and I spread his faith when he hesitated. Thanks to them and, no doubt, also, in my stubbornness and a little luck, I could spend much of my time to this passion, vice and wonderful it is to write, create a parallel life where refuge against adversity, it becomes natural the unusual and extraordinary nature, dispel chaos, beautifying the ugly, and perpetuates the moment of death becomes a passing show.

was not easy to write stories. Turning words, the project withered in the paper and the ideas and images fainted. How to reanimate? Fortunately, there were the teachers to learn from them and follow their example. Flaubert taught me that talent is a tough discipline and a long patience. Faulkner, which is the form-writing and structure, what enhances or impoverish the subjects. Martorell, Cervantes, Dickens, Balzac, Tolstoy, Conrad, Thomas Mann, the number and ambition are as important as skill novel style and narrative strategy. Sartre, that words are actions and a novel, play, essay, committed today and the best options, can change the course of history. Camus and Orwell, that literature is devoid of moral Malraux inhuman and the epic heroism and fit in as much as present at the time of the Argonauts, the Odyssey and the Iliad.

If convene in this speech to all the writers who owe some or much their shadows would plunge us into darkness. Are innumerable. In addition to revealing the secrets of the trade to have made me explore the depths of the human, admire his deeds and horrified with his ravings. Were more helpful friends, the leaders of my vocation, whose books I discovered that even in the worst circumstances, there is hope and that is worth living, if only because without life we \u200b\u200bcould not read or daydream stories.

Sometimes I wondered if in countries like mine, with few readers and many poor, illiterate and injustice, where the culture was the privilege of so few, writing was a luxury not solipsistic. But these doubts never stifled my vocation and always kept writing, even in periods when food work absorbed most of my time. I think I did it right, because if so the literature to flourish in a society was first requirement to achieve high culture, freedom, prosperity and justice, she had never existed. On the contrary, through literature, which formed consciences, desires and aspirations that inspired it, to the disappointment of reality with which we return trip to a beautiful fantasy, civilization is far less cruel than when storytellers humanize life began with his fables. We would be worse than they are without the good books we read, more conformist, less restless and rebellious and critical spirit, the engine of progress, or even exist. Just as writing, reading is to protest against the shortcomings of life. Who seeks in fiction what does not, say, needless to say, even knowing that life as it is not enough to fill our thirst for the absolute foundation of the human condition and should be better. Invent fictions to live in some way the many lives we would like to have when we have just one.

Without the fiction would be less aware of the importance of freedom to make life livable and hell where it becomes when it is trampled by a tyrant, an ideology or religion. Those who doubt that literature, as well as sinking into the dream of beauty and happiness, we warning against all forms of oppression, ask yourself why all the regimes bent on controlling the behavior of citizens from cradle to grave, so afraid that establish systems of censorship to suppress and monitor with such suspicion to freelance writers. Because they know the risk in letting the imagination runs through the books, seditious become fiction when the reader checks the freedom that makes them possible and that they exercised with obscurantism and fear that lurk in the real world. Like it or not, they know it or not, the fabulous, inventing stories, dissatisfaction spread, showing that the world is wrong, that fantasy life is richer than the daily routine. This finding, if it takes root in sensitivity and awareness, the public becomes more difficult to manipulate, to accept the lies of those who wanted them to believe that, behind bars, inquisitors and jailers live safer and better.

Good literature builds bridges between different people and making us enjoy, suffer, or surprise, we are united under the languages, beliefs, customs and prejudices that divide us. When the great white whale, Captain Ahab buried at sea, shrinks the hearts of readers identically in Tokyo, Lima or Timbuktu. When Emma Bovary swallows the arsenic, Anna Karenina throws herself into the train and Julien Sorel goes to the gallows, and when, in the South, the urban doctor Juan Dahlmann out of that grocery store of the pampas to face the knife of a killer, or note that all Comala residents of the village of Pedro Páramo, are dead, the thrill is like the reader who worships Buddha, Confucius, Christ, Allah, or is an agnostic, light jacket and tie, hijab, kimono and pants. Literature creates a brotherhood within the human diversity and eclipses that erect boundaries between men and women of ignorance, ideologies, religions, languages \u200b\u200band stupidity.

Like all ages have had their horrors, ours is the fans, that of suicide bombers, ancient species convinced that paradise is gained by killing, the blood of the innocent wash collective outrage, correct injustices and imposes the truth about false belief. Countless victims are sacrificed each day at various locations around the world who feel possessors of absolute truths. We thought that with the collapse of totalitarian empires, coexistence, peace, pluralism, human rights, would be imposed and the world would back the holocaust, genocide, invasions and wars of extermination. None of that has happened. New forms of barbarism fueled rampant by fanaticism and, with the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction can not be excluded that any small group of crazed redemptive one day cause a nuclear disaster. You have to stand in their way, face them and defeat them. Not many, but the sound of their crimes reverberate around the globe and we are overwhelmed with horror the nightmares they cause. We must not be intimidated by those who would take away the freedom we have been winning in the long feat of civilization. Defend liberal democracy, with all its limitations, continues to mean political pluralism, coexistence, tolerance, human rights, respect for the critics, the law, elections free alternation in power, everything that has gone feral taking of life and getting closer, though never reached, the beautiful and perfect life pretending literature, one that just making it up, writing it and reading it we deserve. Facing the homicidal fanatics defend our right to dream and make our dreams come true. In my youth, like many writers of my generation, was a Marxist and believed that socialism would be the remedy to the exploitation and social injustices that raged in my country, Latin America and the rest of the Third World. My disappointment of statism and collectivism, and my transition to the Democratic and liberal than I am, I try to be-was long, difficult, and took out episodes slowly and following the conversion of the Cuban Revolution, which had me excited at first, the authoritarian model and vertical Soviet Union, testimony of dissidents who managed to slip through the barbed wire of the Gulag, the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact countries, thanks to thinkers like Raymond Aron, Jean-François Revel, Isaiah Berlin and Karl Popper, whom I owe my appreciation of the culture of democracy and open societies. These teachers were an example of lucidity and grace when the intelligentsia of the West seemed, frivolity or opportunism, have succumbed to the spell of Soviet socialism, or worse yet, the coven's bloody Cultural Revolution China.

a child dreamed of someday to Paris because, dazzled with French literature, thought to live there and breathe the air they breathed Balzac, Stendhal, Baudelaire, Proust, help me become a real writer which, if not out of Peru would only be a pseudo-writer on Sundays and holidays. And the truth is I owe to France, French culture, memorable lessons, as that literature is both a vocation as a discipline, work and stubbornness. I lived there when Sartre and Camus were alive and writing, in the years of Ionesco, Beckett, Bataille and Cioran, the discovery of the theater of Brecht and the films of Ingmar Bergman, the NPT of Jean Vilar and Jean Louis Barrault Odéon of the Nouvelle Vague and Le Nouveau Roman and speeches, beautiful pieces of literature, Andre Malraux, and perhaps the most theatrical show Europe at that time, press conferences and Olympic thunder General de Gaulle. But perhaps what most grateful to France is the discovery of Latin America. I learned that Peru was part of a vast community that sister history, geography, the social and political problems, some way of being and the delicious language speaking and writing. And in those same years produced a new and burgeoning literature. There I read Borges, Octavio Paz, Cortázar, García Márquez, Fuentes, Cabrera Infante, Rulfo, Onetti, Carpentier, Edwards, Donovan and many others, whose writings were revolutionizing the English-language fiction and thanks to whom Europe and much the world discovered that Latin America was not only the continent of coups, the leaders of operetta, the bearded guerrillas and shakers of the mambo and the cha cha, but also ideas, fantasies and literary art forms that went beyond the picturesque and spoke a universal language. From then to this day, not without tripping and slipping, Latin America has been progressing, though, as stated in the verse of César Vallejo,
There, brothers, much to do. Dictatorships have less than before, only Cuba and its candidate to go along, Venezuela, and some clowns populist and pseudo-democracies such as Bolivia and Nicaragua. But in the rest of the continent, evil evil, democracy is working, supported by broad popular consensus, and for the first time in our history, we have a left and right, as in Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Mexico and most Central American respect the law, freedom of criticism, elections and the renewal in power. That is the good way and if you persevere in it, fighting the insidious corruption and is integrating the world, Latin America will finally be the continent of the future and will be present.

I've never felt a foreigner in Europe or indeed anywhere. In all the places I lived in Paris, London, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMadrid, Berlin, Washington, New York, Brazil and the Dominican Republic, I felt my house. I've always found a lair where he could live in peace and working, learn things, to encourage illusions, find friends, good books and topics for writing. I do not think I have become, without intending to, a citizen of the world, has undermined what they call "roots", my links to my own country, so neither would have much importance, because if so, the Peruvian experience would not feed me as a writer and asomarían not always in my stories, even when these appear to occur far from Peru. I have to live so long outside the country where I was born rather strengthened those bonds, adding a perspective more lucid, and nostalgia, which can differentiate the adjective and the substance and keeps reverberating memories. Love of country in which you were born can not be obligatory, but, like any other love, a spontaneous movement of the heart, as the uniting of lovers, parents and children, friends together.

Al Peru I take him in the belly because he was born, grew up, I trained and lived those experiences of childhood and youth that shaped my personality, forged my vocation, and because that I loved, hated, rejoiced I suffered and dreamed. What happens in it affects me, moves and irritates me more than what happens elsewhere. I have not sought and will not have set me, it just is. Some fellow accused me of being a traitor and I was about to lose citizenship when, during the last dictatorship, asked the world's democratic governments to penalize the regime with diplomatic and economic sanctions, as I have always done with all dictatorships, any nature, that of Pinochet, Fidel Castro, the Taliban in Afghanistan, the imams of Iran, apartheid South Africa, the uniformed satraps of Burma (now Myanmar). And do it again tomorrow if-the fate forbid and permit-Peruvians Peru was the victim once more of a coup to annihilate our fragile democracy. That was no precipitate action and passion of resentment, as they wrote some polygraphs used to judge others from their own smallness. It was an act consistent with my belief that a dictatorship is an absolute evil for a country, a source of brutality and corruption and deep wounds that are slow to close, poison their future and create unhealthy habits and practices that extend along generations delaying the democratic reconstruction. That is why dictatorships must be combated mercilessly by all the means at our disposal, including economic sanctions. It is regrettable that democratic governments, instead of setting an example, in solidarity with those who, as the Ladies in White in Cuba, the Venezuelan-resistant, or Aung San Suu Kyi and Liu Xiaobo, boldly confronting the dictatorships who suffer to be displayed often complacent not to them but with his executioners. Those brave, fighting for their freedom, also fighting for ours.

A compatriot of mine, José María Arguedas, Peru called the country of "all the blood." Do not think there formula to define it better. That we are and that all Peruvians have inside us Like it or not: a sum of traditions, races, creeds and cultures from the four cardinal points. I feel proud heir of the Hispanic cultures that made fabrics and feather cloaks Nazca and Paracas and Mochica and Inca ceramics on display in the best museums in the world, the builders of Machu Picchu, the Great Chimu, Chan Chan, Kuelap, Sipan, the Witch and huacas of the Sun and the Moon, and English, with his saddlebags, swords and horses, brought to Peru to Greece, Rome, the Judeo-Christian tradition, the Renaissance, Cervantes, Quevedo and Gongora, and language of Castilla brunt of the Andes softened. And that also came with Spain Africa with its vigor, its music and vibrant imagination to enrich the diversity of Peru. If we dig a little we found that Peru, like Borges's Aleph, is in small format worldwide. What an extraordinary privilege for a country that has no identity because it has them all!

The conquest of America was cruel and violent as all the gains, of course, and we criticize it, but without forgetting to do, that those who committed those crimes were offal and in large numbers, our great-grandparents and grandparents, the English who came to America and there acriollado, not those who stayed on their land. Those criticisms, to be fair, should be a self-criticism. Because, after gaining independence from Spain, two hundred years ago, who took power in the former colonies, instead of redeeming the Indian and do justice to the ancient wrongs, so continued exploiting greed and ferocity as the conquerors, and in some countries, decimating and exterminated. Let's be
clearly: two centuries of indigenous empowerment is a responsibility exclusively ours and we failed. She is still a pending issue in Latin America. There is one exception to this disgrace and shame.

much as I want Spain to Peru and my debt to it is as big as the gratitude that I have. If it were not for Spain would never have come to this rostrum, nor to be a famous writer, and perhaps, like so many unfortunate colleagues, would walk into the limbo of the writers with no luck, not editors, or prizes, or readers, whose talent sad consolation, perhaps, one day discover posterity. In Spain, all my books published, awards received exaggerated, as Carlos Barral and friends Carmen Balcells and many others crave it because my stories have readers. And Spain gave me a second nationality when could lose mine. I have never felt the slightest inconsistency between a Peruvian and have a English passport because I have always felt that Spain and Peru are the obverse and reverse of the same thing, not just in my little person, also in critical situations such as history, language and culture.

Of all the years I've lived on English soil, remember I spent five glow in the beloved Barcelona in the early seventies. The Franco dictatorship was still standing and still shot, but it was already a fossil in rags, and especially in the field of culture, unable to maintain the controls of yesteryear. Opened cracks and crevices that censorship was not enough to patch and English society they absorbed new ideas, books, schools of thought and values \u200b\u200band artistic forms hitherto prohibited by subversives. No city took both Barcelona and better than the beginning of opening or experienced a similar excitement in all fields of ideas and creation. It became the cultural capital of Spain, where he had to be breathing the advance of freedom is coming. And in a way, was also the cultural capital of Latin America by the number of painters, writers, editors and artists from Latin American countries that settled there, or came and went to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbecause it was where you had to be if you wanted to be a poet, novelist, painter or composer of our time. For me, those were the years of unforgettable companionship, friendship, conspiracies and fruitful intellectual work. As before Paris, Barcelona was a Tower of Babel, a universal cosmopolitan city, which was exciting to live and work, and where, for the first time since the days of civil war, English and Latin American writers were mixed and fraternized, recognizing owners the same tradition and allies in a common and a certainty that the end of the dictatorship was imminent and that in Spain democratic culture would be the main protagonist. 8

Although it was not so precisely, the English transition from dictatorship to democracy has been one of the best stories of modern times, an example of how, when common sense and rationality prevail and opponents parked political sectarianism in favor of the common good, such prodigious events can occur as of the novels of magical realism. The English transition from authoritarianism to freedom, from underdevelopment to prosperity, a society of contrasts and inequalities Third World country to a middle class, its integration into Europe and its adoption in a few years of a democratic culture, admired the world and triggered the modernization of Spain. It was for me an exciting and enlightening live up close and sometimes from within. Hopefully nationalism, incurable plague the modern world and also from Spain, do not spoil this happy story.

hate all forms of nationalism, ideology, or, rather, religion, parochial, short flight, exclusive, that trims the intellectual horizon and hides in its bosom ethnic and racial prejudices, it becomes the supreme value in moral and ontological privilege, the fortuitous circumstance of the place birth. Along with religion, nationalism has been the cause of the worst slaughters of history, as the two world wars and the current bloodletting in the Middle East. Nothing has contributed as much as nationalism in Latin America is balkanized, torn apart in senseless strife and litigation and wasted astronomical resources to buy weapons instead of building schools, libraries and hospitals.

not confuse nationalism ear and its rejection of "other" provided seed of violence, patriotism, feeling healthy and generous love for the land where one was born, where they lived their ancestors and the first dreams were forged, landscape geographies family, loved ones and occurrences that become milestones in the memory and shield against loneliness. The homeland are not flags and anthems, or apodictic discourse on the iconic heroes, but a handful of places and people that live in our memories and tinged with melancholy, the warm feeling that, no matter where we are, there is a home to which we return.

Peru is for me a Arequipa where I was born but never lived, a city that my mother, my grandparents and my uncles taught me to know through his memories and regrets, because my whole family tribe, Arequipa and often do, was always at the White City with her in his wandering existence. Piura is the desert, carob and suffering burrito, which Piurans of my youth called "foot outside," cute and sad nickname, "where I discovered that the storks were not bringing babies into the world but the pairs produced by a brutality that was a mortal sin. San Miguel is the College and the Variety Theatre where I first saw up on stage a short work written by me. Is the corner of Columbus and Diego Ferré in Miraflores Lima-we called the Barrio Alegre, where I changed the long shorts, I smoked my first cigarette, I learned to dance, to love and pleading for the girls. It's dusty and shaky editorial staff of The Chronicle where, in my sixteen years, my first veiled weapons journalist, a profession that, with the literature, has occupied most of my life and made me like books, live, learn better world and hang out with people from everywhere and of all records, great people, good, bad and atrocious. It is the Leoncio Prado Military Academy, where I learned that Peru was the small pocket of middle class where I had lived until then confined and protected, but a big country, old, bitter, unbalanced and shaken by all sorts of social storms . Clandestine cells are of Cahuide in which a handful of San Marcos with preparing the world revolution. And Peru is my friends with the Freedom Movement, for three years, including bombings, blackouts and terrorist killings, work in defense of democracy and culture of freedom.

Peru is Patricia's cousin turned up little nose and indomitable character with which I was fortunate to marry 45 years ago and still supports the foibles, neuroses and tantrums to help me write. Without it my life had long ago dissolved into a chaotic whirlwind and not born Alvaro, Gonzalo, Morgan and six grandchildren that we extend and happy life. She does everything and does it well. Solve problems, manage the economy, brings order to chaos, keeping out journalists and outsiders, defending my time, decides the appointments and travel, and unpack it, and is so generous that even when you create scolds me, I make the best of praise: "Mario, the only thing you serve is to write."

Back to the literature. The paradise of childhood is for me a literary myth but a reality that I lived and enjoyed in the large family house of three courtyards, in Cochabamba, where with my cousins \u200b\u200band schoolmates could play stories Tarzan and Salgari, and in the Prefecture of Piura, in whose attics nesting bats, silent shadows which filled with mystery the starry nights that hot country. In those years, writing was playing a game that I held the family, a grace that I deserved applause, to me, grandchild, nephew, the son without father because my father had died and gone to heaven. It was a tall and handsome, uniformed sailor, whose photo adorned my bedside and prayed and kissed me before bed. One morning in Piura, which still does not think I have recovered, my mother told me that this gentleman, indeed, was alive. And that same day we would go to live with him to Lima. I was eleven and since then, everything changed. I discovered I lost my innocence and loneliness, authority, adult life and fear. My salvation was read, read good books, take refuge in those worlds where life was exciting, intense, one adventure after another, where they could feel free and be happy again. And it was written, in secret, like who comes to a vice inconfensable, a forbidden passion. The literature was no longer a game. It became a way to withstand adversity, to protest, to rebel, to escape the intolerable, my reason for living. From then until now, in all the circumstances in which I have been shot or beaten, on the edge of despair give myself body and soul to my work has been the light storyteller pointing out the tunnel, the salvation that leads to the wreck to the beach.

Although it costs me a lot of work and makes me sweat blood, and as a writer, I sometimes feel the threat of paralysis, the drought of the imagination, nothing has made me enjoy the life both how to spend the months and years to build a history, from its uncertain dawn, the image stored in a memory experience, which became a restlessness, an enthusiasm, a daydream that germinated later in a project and the decision busy trying to turn that fog ghost in a story. "Writing is a way to live," said Flaubert. Yes, very true, a way of life with enthusiasm and joy and a crackling fire in the head, struggling with wayward words to master it, exploring the wide world as a hunter in pursuit of coveted prey to feed the fledgling fiction and placate the voracious appetite to grow throughout history that would swallow all the stories. Come to feel the vertigo that leads a novel in gestation, when it takes shape and appears to start living on their own, with characters that move, act, think, feel and command respect and consideration, which is no longer possible arbitrarily impose a behavior or deprived of their free will without killing them, without losing history persuasive power, is an experience that is spellbinding as the first time, so full and giddy like making love with the woman he loved days, weeks and months, endlessly .

Speaking of fiction, I talked a lot about the novel and some of the theater, another of his supernal forms. A great injustice, of course. The theater was my first love, since, adolescent, I saw at the Teatro Segura in Lima,

Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller, a show which left me overflowing with excitement and rushed me to write a drama Incas. If the Lima of the fifties had been a theatrical movement would have been a playwright rather than a novelist. I had not and that should be increasingly directed towards the narrative. But my love of theater never ceased, dozed nestled in the shadow of the novels, as a temptation and a nostalgia, especially when I saw a captivating piece. In the late seventies, the persistent memory of a centuries-old aunt, Mom, that in the last years of his life, cut with the surrounding reality and take refuge in the memories and fiction, I suggested a story. And I felt so ominous, that this was a story for the theater, only on stage charged for the animation and splendor of successful fiction. I wrote the trembling excited both beginner and I enjoyed watching her on stage, with Norma Aleandro in the role of the heroine, who, since then, including novels and novels, essays and essay, I have relapsed several times. Of course, I never imagined that in my seventies, I would go up (maybe I should say drag) on \u200b\u200bstage to act. Reckless adventure that made me live for the first time in flesh and blood the miracle that is, for someone who has spent his life writing fiction, embodying a few hours to a character in the fantasy fiction live before an audience. I can not thank enough my dear friends, the director and actress Joan Ollé Aitana Sanchez Gijon, encouraged me to share with them the fantastic experience (despite the panic that accompanied it).

Literature is a false representation of life, however, helps us to understand better, to guide us through the maze in which we were born, evolves, and we die. She retaliated us the setbacks and frustrations that real life deals us and thanks to decipher it, at least partially, the hieroglyph which is usually the existence for the vast majority of human beings, especially those that encourage more questions than answers, and confess our confusion to issues such as transcendence, the individual and collective destiny, the soul, the meaning or meaninglessness of history, the here and beyond rational knowledge.

has always fascinated me to imagine that uncertain circumstances in which our ancestors, yet slightly different animal, baby language that allowed them to communicate, began in the caves, around campfires, in boiling nights of threats, lightning, thunder, growling of wild beasts, "to make up stories and tell them. That was the turning point of our destination, because in these rounds of primitives by the voice suspense and fantasy counter, civilization began, the long passage which gradually humanize us and lead us to invent the sovereign individual and detached from the tribe, science, arts, law, liberty, scrutinizing the entrails of nature the human body, space and travel to the stars. Those tales, fables, myths, legends, which first sounded like music to new audiences intimidated by the mysteries and dangers of a world where everything was unfamiliar and dangerous, should have a refreshing swim, a haven for those always on the minds who lives, for which there is meant to just eat, shelter from the elements, kill and fornicate. From they began to dream of community, sharing dreams, encouraged by the storytellers, were no longer tied to the wheel of survival, a whirlwind of chores brutalizing, and turned his life dream, joy, fantasy and a revolutionary design : break this containment and change and improve, a fight to quell those desires and ambitions that they incited the lives figurative, and curiosity about the unknown clear that I was starry surroundings.

That process is never interrupted when he was born rich writing and stories, as well as heard, could read and they reached the residence gives the literature. Therefore, it must be repeated endlessly to convince it to future generations: the fiction is more than entertainment, rather than an intellectual exercise that sharpens the sensitivity and the critical spirit awakened. It is a necessity for civilization still exists, renewing and preserving the best of us human. Not to go back to the barbarism of the isolation and life is not reduced to the pragmatism of the specialists who see things in depth but ignore their surroundings, precedes and continues. For let us not serve us to invent machines to be their servants and slaves. And because a world without literature would be a world without desires or ideals and contempt, a world of automatons without what makes the human being truly human: the ability to leave and move himself into another, in others, modeled with the clay of our dreams.

From the cave to the skyscraper, the stick to weapons of mass destruction, tautological life of the tribe to the era of globalization, the fictions of literature have been many human experiences, preventing men and women succumb to lethargy, withdrawal, resignation. Nothing has sown so much concern, removed both the imagination and desires, and that life of lies that add to which we have through the literature to star the great adventures, great passions, that real life will never give us. The literature lies become truths through us, readers processed contaminated desires and, because of the fiction, constantly challenged with the mediocre reality. Sorcery, to delude ourselves with having what we have, being what we are not, access that can not exist where, as pagan gods, we are earthly and eternal at the same time, literature enters our minds the nonconformity and rebellion behind all the feats that have helped reduce violence in human relations. A decrease violence, not end it. Because we will always, fortunately, an unfinished story. So we have to keep dreaming, reading and writing, the most effective way we found to alleviate our perishability, defeating the rottenness of time and make the impossible possible.

Stockholm, December 8, 2010.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Tie Converse Double Upper

Pride and Prejudice

Julia Irene López Java
Segusndo Year: South San Marcos IEP - Lurin

Loving you is the cause of my delirium, What causes pain
your indifference, but love is the
Subtle and warm embrace of every dawn.

My tears are as fresh water, will
Ending gradually by excessive sun
Desamor and only you can help me get my salvation

But despite all this I'm willing captive
Stay within your heart

I introduce communist ideology
romantic feeling where not even need plenty of love

Morfeo Open aojos, wake up and leave
Your pride, because you can not believe you were
The only thing in my life and nights without my heart Were
wondering where is the true love?
I said, They came, but his ego built
The Berlin Wall between us.

The feeling consumes me completely hidden,
acting like a cancer in every cell of my body
have no prejudices to love me, you know
I'll be always with you even when you do not love me; but I ask, do not judge me,
only has that right heart
If I were a sailor, no matter the distance I put
seven seas between you and me, no matter
withstand storms so receiving Yours
kiss me down into the depths of the ocean

Everyone judges what we are or
intend to be, because we still do not understand
no age or social status or
O distance race that can overcome
arrow Outstanding son of Aphrodite .

General Insurance License Alberta

Pain of Death

WRITTEN BY: Valeria Campos Maucally
First Year: San Marcos South IEP - Lurin

say you are murky
But what I see
It is a heart and soul
no consolation. Causes

habits and suffering,
do you not understand the feelings? You

You go through the roads. You try to snatch

A soul with you.

In a way I hate you so
not try to understand your unhappy fate. Such venture outside

cause you a feeling
why do not you take a piece of it?

as to try to fill the void
A thing called heart. Want

But you can not deny Cause you

Tan also possess human emotions! At the end of heinous

But so lonely sometimes

to cry.

Now remember who you are and laugh wryly
to get away from your thoughts

low to the mortal world and looking for an unsuspecting
and you take him without mercy.

you see yourself not as a spectrum

But as a soul in despair
No consolation. Startled

You take your scythe and return to your duty
To forget you, forever more

your feelings and your heart.

Friday, December 3, 2010

How To Make A Bobcat Birthday Cake


Pastel and croissant.

25 x 25 cm acrylic on paper.

donuts and cup cake.

25x 25 cm acrylic on paper.


25 x 25 cm acrylic on paper.

Croissant, cup cake and roly-poly.
25 x 25 cm acrylic on paper

Friday, November 19, 2010

Pain After Left Thyroid Lobectomy


José Carlos Mariategui -
7 Interpretive Essays on Peruvian Reality

J oseph Carlos Mariategui (Moquegua, July 16, 1894 - Lima, April 16, 1930), one of the greatest thinkers of Peru, socialist Marxist political activist, essayist, poet and storyteller in his great work reflects on the social, economic and cultural life of Peru. Amauta magazine founded in 1926 and suffered prison and house arrest in 1927 during the trial of the Communists. In 1928 he broke with the APRA, founded the Socialist Party, the Labor proletarian magazine and published his Seven Interpretative Essays on Peruvian Reality. A year later, he founded the Confederation of Workers of Peru.

Mariátegui is the author of which will be discussed in the coming days in the course of drafting. Thus, students in the classroom Cassiopeia, Perseus, Orion, Southern Boreal and Argos (4 th year - IEP La Merced) should read the attached essay, "The Indian problem" (included in the book Seven Interpretative Essays on Peruvian Reality ) . In addition to being read, the text must be printed and attached to the corresponding notebook. Subsequently, a written test four paragraphs (one intro duction. Two of development and closed) that will address an objective analysis of the reading of the Indian problem.



T ll thesis on the Indian problem, they ignore or avoid the latter as a socioeconomic problem, are all sterile theoretical exercises, and sometimes only verbal, and sentenced to an absolute disgrace. Do not save some of their good faith. Virtually all have not only served to conceal or disguise the reality of the problem. The socialist critique finds out and slave-read, because it seeks its causes in the country's economy and not on administrative, legal or church or in the duality or plurality of races, or their cultural and moral conditions. The indigenous question stems from our economy. It is rooted in the ownership of land. Any attempt to resolve it with management measures or police, teaching methods or road works, is a superficial or adjective, as long as the feudalism of the "bosses" (1).

The "gamonalismo" inevitably invalidate any law or ordinance of indigenous protection. The landowner, the landowner, is a feudal lord. Against his authority, funded by the Environment and the habit written law is powerless. Free labor is prohibited by law and yet, free labor, forced labor or even survive in the estate. The judge, the deputy prefect, the curator, teacher, collector, are enfeoffed the large property. The law can not prevail against the bosses. An official who is obstinate-nase in enforcement, would be abandoned and sacrificed for the central government, which are always near omnipotent gamonalismo influences, acting directly or through the parliament, by both road with the same efficiency.

The review of the Indian problem, therefore, is much less concerned with the guidelines of legislation protect you from the consequences of land ownership. The study by Dr. Joseph A. Encinas (Contribution to the Indian guardianship legislation) in 1918 initiated this trend, which from then to now has not ceased to increase further (2). But, given the very nature of their work, Dr. Encinas could not make it an economic and social program. His proposals, aimed at the protection of native title had to be limited to this legal objective. Outlining the basics of Indian Home Stead, Dr. Encinas recommended distribution of state lands and the Church. Expropriation does not say one of the bosses landowners. But his thesis is distinguished by a repeatedly indictment of the effects of large states, leaving condemnations of this indictment (3), which in some ways a prelude to the current economic and social criticism of the Indian question.

This criticism rejects and dismisses the various arguments that consider the issue with either of the following unilateral and exclusive criteria: administrative, legal, ethnic, moral, educational, ecclesiastical.

Defeat oldest and most obvious is, without doubt, that of reducing the protection of indigenous people to a matter of ordinary administration. Since the days of English colonial law, the wise ordinances and tidy, made after thorough surveys, are fully disclosed unsuccessful. The fertility of the Republic, from the days of Independence, in the decrees, laws and orders designed to protect the Indians against the levy and abuse, not the least significant. The gamonal today, as the "encomendero" yesterday, however, has little to fear from management theory. Know that the practice is different.

The individualistic nature of the legislation of the Republic has helped, unquestionably, the absorption of native title by landlordism. The Indian situation in this regard was issued more realistically by English law. But legal reform has no practical value to the administrative reform, against feudalism in its economic structure intact. The ownership of most of the indigenous communal and individual property is already served. The experience of all countries that have emerged from their feudal evolution shows us, moreover, that without the solution of the manor could not run, nowhere, a liberal law.

The assumption that the Indian problem is an ethnic problem, it feeds on more old imperialist ideas repertoire. The concept of inferior races served the West White for his work of expansion and conquest. Indian emancipation expect an active crossing of the Aboriginal race with white immigrants is naive antisociológica, conceivable only in a rudimentary mind importer of merino sheep. Asian people, which no less than in the least the Indian people, admirably assimilated Western culture in its most dynamic and creative, no European blood transfusions. The degeneration of the Peruvian Indian is a cheap invention of the shysters of the feudal table.

The tendency to consider the Indian problem as a moral issue, embodies a conception of liberal, humanitarian, nineteenth-century, the Enlightenment, which in the Western political order encourages and motivates the "League of Human Rights." Conferences and anti-slavery societies, in Europe have reported more or less unsuccessfully crimes of the settlers, born of this trend, which has always relied heavily on appeals to the moral sense of civilization. González Prada was not devoid of hope when he wrote that the "status of Native Americans can be improved in two ways: either the heart of the oppressors mourns the end of recognizing the right of the oppressed, or the spirit of the oppressed becomes manhood enough to teach a lesson to the oppressor "(4). Pro-Indian Association (1909-1917) represented, above all, the same hope, although its efficacy was in the concrete and immediate purpose of the Indian defense assigned its directors, guidance to be long, surely, practical idealism, typically Saxon of Dora Mayer (5). The experiment is widely met in Peru and worldwide. Humanitarian preaching has not stopped or embarrassed in Europe have bonus imperialism or its methods. The struggle against imperialism, but no longer trust in the solidarity and strength of movements for the emancipation of the colonial masses. This concept chair in contemporary Europe imperialist action, to which liberal spirit stick Albert Einstein and Romain Rolland, and therefore can not be considered the exclusive socialist.

In the realm of reason and morality, stood for centuries, more energy, or at least most authoritative religious action. This crusade is not obtained, however, but laws and orders wisely inspired. The fate of the Indians did not vary substantially. González Prada, which as we know it did not consider these things to own or sectarian socialist approach seeks to explain this failure in the core economic issue: "It could not happen otherwise: officially ordering the exploitation of the conquered and called humanity and justice the perpetrators of exploitation, it was intended that humanity is equally committed iniquity or injustice is consummated. To remove abuses, it was necessary to abolish the divisions and mitas, in short, change all the Colonial regime. Without the labors of the American Indian would have emptied the coffers of the English treasure "(6). More obvious chance of success than the liberal preaching was, however, religious preaching. This appealed to the exalted and English Catholicism operating while it tried to be heard the meager formal creole liberalism.

But today the church hope a solution is arguably the most backward and anti-historical all. Its representatives do not care even as their distant - as distant! - Teachers, to get a new declaration of the rights of Indian with appropriate authorities and ordinances, but to instruct the missionary's role to mediate between the Indian and gamonal (7). The work that the Church could not perform in a medieval order, when its spiritual and intellectual capacity could be measured by monks as the father of Las Casas, what elements would have to succeed now? Adventist missions, in this respect, have gained the upper Catholic clergy, whose faculties summon lower daily amount of vocations evangelism.

The concept that the Indian problem is a problem of education, it appears borne even by strict criteria and teaching independently. The pedagogy is now more than ever consider social and economic factors. The modern teacher knows that education is not simply a matter of school and teaching methods. The social economic environment inevitably affects the work of the teacher. Gamonalismo is fundamentally inimical to Indian education: their survival is in maintaining the ignorance of the Indian the same interest in growing alcoholism (8). The modern school, on the assumption that, in current circumstances it would be possible multiply in proportion to the rural school population, is incompatible with the feudal estates. The mechanics of bondage, completely nullify the action of the school, if the same, by a miracle inconceivable within the social reality, managed to preserve in the atmosphere of the manor, its pure educational mission. The most efficient and great normal school could not operate these miracles. The school and the teacher are inevitably doomed to denature under pressure from the feudal atmosphere irreconcilable with the most basic and progressive concept evolved nist of things. When you understand this truth half, saving formula is found in the Indian boarding. But the resounding failure of this formula is shown in all their evidence, just reflecting on the small percentage of the population is indigenous school can stay in these schools.

pedagogical solution advocated by many in perfect good faith, is officially up and discarded. The educationists are, again, those least able to think of it independent of economic and social reality. There is, therefore, at present, but as a vague suggestion and report, which no body and no responsibility doctrine.

The new approach is to find the Indian problem in the land problem.


The population of the Inka Empire, according to conservative estimates, it was not less than ten million. There are those who make it up to twelve and even fifteen million. The Conquest was, above all, a tremendous carnage. The English conquerors, by their small number, they could not impose their rule but to terrorize the indigenous population, which produced a superstitious impression weapons and horses of the invaders, regarded as supernatural beings. The political and economic organization of the colony, which followed the Conquest, did not end the extermination of the indigenous race. The viceroyalty established a system of brutal exploitation. The greed of the precious metals, guided the English economy to the exploitation of mines, under the Incas, had been worked in very modest scale, because of not having the gold and silver but ignore ornamentation and Indians which consisted essentially a village setting, the use of iron. English established for the exploitation of mines and the "mills", an overwhelming system of forced labor and free, which decimated the native population. This well was not reduced only to a state of servitude , As would have happened if the English had been limited to the use of land while retaining the agricultural character of the country, but in large part to a state of slavery. No shortage of humanitarian and civilizing voices took to the King of Spain to defend the father indios.EI Houses effectively excelled in this defense.

The Viceroyalty appears less culpable than the Republic. Corresponds to the Viceroyalty originally all responsibility for the misery and depression of the Indians. But, at the time of the Inquisition, a large Christian voice, the Fray Bartolome de Las Casas, vibrantly defended the Indians against the brutal methods of the colonizers. There has been an advocate in the Republic so effective and so stubborn of the Aboriginal race.

While the Viceroyalty was a medieval regime and foreign, is formally the Republic of Peru and liberal regime. It has, therefore, the Republic did not have duties that viceroyalty. In the Republic we played better the condition of the Indian. And contrary to this duty, has impoverished the Indian Republic has exacerbated your depression and has exacerbated their misery. The Republic has meant to the Indians the rise of a new ruling class that has appropriated their lands systematically. In a race of custom and agricultural soul, as the indigenous race, the takings have been a cause material and moral dissolution. The land has always been all the joy of the Indian. The Indian land has espoused. Feels that "life comes from the earth" and return to earth. Therefore, the indium can be indifferent to everything except the possession of the land his hands and his breath till and fertilize religiously. Creole feudalism has behaved in this respect, more eager and harder than English feudalism. In general, the English had frequently encomendero some habits noble lordship. The Creole encomendero has all the defects of the commoner and none of the virtues of the gentleman. Indian serfdom, in short, has not fallen under the Republic. Rebellions, all the storms of the Indian, have been drowned in blood. A desperate Indian claims they have been given always a martial response. The silence of the highlands has been saved after the tragic secret of these responses. The Republic has been restored, finally, under the title of conscription road mitas regime.

The Republic also is responsible for having lethargic and weakened the powers of the race. The cause of the redemption of India became under the Republic, in a demagogic speculation of some warlords. Creoles parties registered in the program. Decreased and the Indians will fight for their demands.

In the Sierra, the region inhabited mostly by Indians, there remains little changed in its guidelines, the most barbarous and omnipotent feudalism. The domain of the earth placed in the hands of the bosses, the fate of the indigenous race, falling to an extreme degree of depression and ignorance. Besides agriculture, worked very primitively, the Peruvian Andes has another economic activity: mining, almost entirely in the hands of two big U.S. companies. In governing the salaried mine, but the pay is negligible, the defense of worker's life almost zero, the workers' compensation law flouted. The system of "Hitch", which advances through false enslaves the worker, Indians placed at the mercy of these venture capitalists. It is so much misery that condemns the feudal land that the Indians are preferable, however, what they might offer mine.

in Peru propagation of socialist ideas has resulted in a strong movement of indigenous claims. Peruvian new generation feels and knows that the progress of Peru will be fictitious, or at least not in Peru, provided they are not does not mean the work and welfare of the Peruvian mass in four-fifths is indigenous and peasant. The same movement is manifested in art and literature in which national note a growing appreciation forms and indigenous affairs, before depreciating by the dominance of a spirit and English colonial mentality. Indian literature seems destined to fulfill the same function as literature "peasant" in the pre-revolutionary Russia. The Indians themselves are beginning to show signs of a new consciousness. Grows daily coordination between the various Indian groups before incommunicado by the vast distances. Initiated this connection, the regular meeting of indigenous congress, sponsored by the Government, but as the nature of their claims soon became a revolutionary, was denatured after the exclusion of progressive elements and representations cam apocryphal. The current Indian press and official action. For the first time the Government has been forced to accept and proclaim Indian views, dictating some measures that do not touch the interests of the bosses and they are so ineffective. For the first time also the Indian problem, retracting earlier by the rhetoric of the ruling classes, is raised in its social and economic terms, identificándosele primarily with the problem of land. Every day is imposed, with more evidence, the conviction that this problem can not find its solution in a humanitarian formula. Can not be the result of a philanthropic movement. The boards Rabula caciques and are a mockery. Leagues extinct type of Pro-Indian Association is a voice crying in the wilderness. Pro-Indian Association did not arrive in time to become a movement. His action was reduced gradually to generous action, selfless, noble, Peter S. personal Zulen and Dora Mayer. As an experiment, that of Pro-Indian Association was used to compare, measure, moral insensitivity of a generation and an era.

The solution to the problem of the Indian must be a social solution. Its directors should be the Indians. This concept leads to see at the meeting of indigenous congresses fact history. Indigenous congresses, distorted in recent years by the bureaucracy, not yet a program, but their first meetings identified a path communicating with the Indians of different regions. The Indians needed a national link. Their protests have always been regional. This has contributed in large part to his dejection. A town of four million men, conscious of their number, never despair of their future. The same four million men, until they are but an inorganic mass, a crowd dispersed, they are unable to decide its course of history.

: Http://

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Cover Bedroom Closet With Curtains

How many injuries can fit into a body. And how to form only one. How can we endure before we break?

I have crust on the heart and blood injuries.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Satellite Metal Detecting

Evelyn, for your friendship,
for the memories and times gone by.
Andrea, by remoteness, empty spaces
and the times here lived.


- We are a long, love,
're away, I say.
Your voice sounds a melancholy echoes
A lonely, withered silences and absences without limits.

Far, far away ... what is the distance?

There is no greater distance than the proximity
monotonous routine and the sadness that causes me
you With your memories and empty words


Lejanía is full of memories and hidden bodies
Kisses, lips, mouths that leave
desires lonely Fingers, hands, hair, caressing faces

Remoteness is full of empty spaces
years lost in time
months, weeks, days, hours and minutes
Lejanía is full of you and me
Under your forehead and your breasts hidden
Sleeping on your belly and your lap and your thighs.

Lejanía are far
Without a word, without moving his lips
Minutes, thickness, distances and times lived.

Remoteness is very quiet and slow
hidden and asleep and far
Deep and perfect perfume and hurtful

Remoteness is withered,
love Just close your eyes And
do not be scared off
crying and fans the flames


The distance is filled with memories and mortality
your eyes and your body
And your breasts upright and your hands
And your sex hidden

The distance is filled with longing lips to lips that never kissed
mouth you want to
hair lips the wind caress your breasts
gesture opened like petals
Voice hidden, hidden and secret voice
The word I never heard from your lips
The word immortal
The word longed and never delivered.


my love We are far, far We
And you say your voice sounds like melancholy music
silent groans and moans

That withered
That remoteness remoteness
That overwhelms the distance looms the distance
What scares you

"Remoteness? What is the distance? Is the distance lethal? Ah
the distance!
To hell with the distance
love Come and make a deal

Come and give me a hug of love
And they are my last goodbyes

But first love Come
you'll look like a monkey sound
Come, I speak like a parrot speaking and metaphysical
Come, let's make love like two cats in love.


see that I love you I love you
Although your life will be far
absences and full of mysteries Even though I hurt
love with the memories and empty words
And although you do not have love, but do not have

I love love love you.