Friday, November 19, 2010

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José Carlos Mariategui -
7 Interpretive Essays on Peruvian Reality

J oseph Carlos Mariategui (Moquegua, July 16, 1894 - Lima, April 16, 1930), one of the greatest thinkers of Peru, socialist Marxist political activist, essayist, poet and storyteller in his great work reflects on the social, economic and cultural life of Peru. Amauta magazine founded in 1926 and suffered prison and house arrest in 1927 during the trial of the Communists. In 1928 he broke with the APRA, founded the Socialist Party, the Labor proletarian magazine and published his Seven Interpretative Essays on Peruvian Reality. A year later, he founded the Confederation of Workers of Peru.

Mariátegui is the author of which will be discussed in the coming days in the course of drafting. Thus, students in the classroom Cassiopeia, Perseus, Orion, Southern Boreal and Argos (4 th year - IEP La Merced) should read the attached essay, "The Indian problem" (included in the book Seven Interpretative Essays on Peruvian Reality ) . In addition to being read, the text must be printed and attached to the corresponding notebook. Subsequently, a written test four paragraphs (one intro duction. Two of development and closed) that will address an objective analysis of the reading of the Indian problem.



T ll thesis on the Indian problem, they ignore or avoid the latter as a socioeconomic problem, are all sterile theoretical exercises, and sometimes only verbal, and sentenced to an absolute disgrace. Do not save some of their good faith. Virtually all have not only served to conceal or disguise the reality of the problem. The socialist critique finds out and slave-read, because it seeks its causes in the country's economy and not on administrative, legal or church or in the duality or plurality of races, or their cultural and moral conditions. The indigenous question stems from our economy. It is rooted in the ownership of land. Any attempt to resolve it with management measures or police, teaching methods or road works, is a superficial or adjective, as long as the feudalism of the "bosses" (1).

The "gamonalismo" inevitably invalidate any law or ordinance of indigenous protection. The landowner, the landowner, is a feudal lord. Against his authority, funded by the Environment and the habit written law is powerless. Free labor is prohibited by law and yet, free labor, forced labor or even survive in the estate. The judge, the deputy prefect, the curator, teacher, collector, are enfeoffed the large property. The law can not prevail against the bosses. An official who is obstinate-nase in enforcement, would be abandoned and sacrificed for the central government, which are always near omnipotent gamonalismo influences, acting directly or through the parliament, by both road with the same efficiency.

The review of the Indian problem, therefore, is much less concerned with the guidelines of legislation protect you from the consequences of land ownership. The study by Dr. Joseph A. Encinas (Contribution to the Indian guardianship legislation) in 1918 initiated this trend, which from then to now has not ceased to increase further (2). But, given the very nature of their work, Dr. Encinas could not make it an economic and social program. His proposals, aimed at the protection of native title had to be limited to this legal objective. Outlining the basics of Indian Home Stead, Dr. Encinas recommended distribution of state lands and the Church. Expropriation does not say one of the bosses landowners. But his thesis is distinguished by a repeatedly indictment of the effects of large states, leaving condemnations of this indictment (3), which in some ways a prelude to the current economic and social criticism of the Indian question.

This criticism rejects and dismisses the various arguments that consider the issue with either of the following unilateral and exclusive criteria: administrative, legal, ethnic, moral, educational, ecclesiastical.

Defeat oldest and most obvious is, without doubt, that of reducing the protection of indigenous people to a matter of ordinary administration. Since the days of English colonial law, the wise ordinances and tidy, made after thorough surveys, are fully disclosed unsuccessful. The fertility of the Republic, from the days of Independence, in the decrees, laws and orders designed to protect the Indians against the levy and abuse, not the least significant. The gamonal today, as the "encomendero" yesterday, however, has little to fear from management theory. Know that the practice is different.

The individualistic nature of the legislation of the Republic has helped, unquestionably, the absorption of native title by landlordism. The Indian situation in this regard was issued more realistically by English law. But legal reform has no practical value to the administrative reform, against feudalism in its economic structure intact. The ownership of most of the indigenous communal and individual property is already served. The experience of all countries that have emerged from their feudal evolution shows us, moreover, that without the solution of the manor could not run, nowhere, a liberal law.

The assumption that the Indian problem is an ethnic problem, it feeds on more old imperialist ideas repertoire. The concept of inferior races served the West White for his work of expansion and conquest. Indian emancipation expect an active crossing of the Aboriginal race with white immigrants is naive antisociológica, conceivable only in a rudimentary mind importer of merino sheep. Asian people, which no less than in the least the Indian people, admirably assimilated Western culture in its most dynamic and creative, no European blood transfusions. The degeneration of the Peruvian Indian is a cheap invention of the shysters of the feudal table.

The tendency to consider the Indian problem as a moral issue, embodies a conception of liberal, humanitarian, nineteenth-century, the Enlightenment, which in the Western political order encourages and motivates the "League of Human Rights." Conferences and anti-slavery societies, in Europe have reported more or less unsuccessfully crimes of the settlers, born of this trend, which has always relied heavily on appeals to the moral sense of civilization. González Prada was not devoid of hope when he wrote that the "status of Native Americans can be improved in two ways: either the heart of the oppressors mourns the end of recognizing the right of the oppressed, or the spirit of the oppressed becomes manhood enough to teach a lesson to the oppressor "(4). Pro-Indian Association (1909-1917) represented, above all, the same hope, although its efficacy was in the concrete and immediate purpose of the Indian defense assigned its directors, guidance to be long, surely, practical idealism, typically Saxon of Dora Mayer (5). The experiment is widely met in Peru and worldwide. Humanitarian preaching has not stopped or embarrassed in Europe have bonus imperialism or its methods. The struggle against imperialism, but no longer trust in the solidarity and strength of movements for the emancipation of the colonial masses. This concept chair in contemporary Europe imperialist action, to which liberal spirit stick Albert Einstein and Romain Rolland, and therefore can not be considered the exclusive socialist.

In the realm of reason and morality, stood for centuries, more energy, or at least most authoritative religious action. This crusade is not obtained, however, but laws and orders wisely inspired. The fate of the Indians did not vary substantially. González Prada, which as we know it did not consider these things to own or sectarian socialist approach seeks to explain this failure in the core economic issue: "It could not happen otherwise: officially ordering the exploitation of the conquered and called humanity and justice the perpetrators of exploitation, it was intended that humanity is equally committed iniquity or injustice is consummated. To remove abuses, it was necessary to abolish the divisions and mitas, in short, change all the Colonial regime. Without the labors of the American Indian would have emptied the coffers of the English treasure "(6). More obvious chance of success than the liberal preaching was, however, religious preaching. This appealed to the exalted and English Catholicism operating while it tried to be heard the meager formal creole liberalism.

But today the church hope a solution is arguably the most backward and anti-historical all. Its representatives do not care even as their distant - as distant! - Teachers, to get a new declaration of the rights of Indian with appropriate authorities and ordinances, but to instruct the missionary's role to mediate between the Indian and gamonal (7). The work that the Church could not perform in a medieval order, when its spiritual and intellectual capacity could be measured by monks as the father of Las Casas, what elements would have to succeed now? Adventist missions, in this respect, have gained the upper Catholic clergy, whose faculties summon lower daily amount of vocations evangelism.

The concept that the Indian problem is a problem of education, it appears borne even by strict criteria and teaching independently. The pedagogy is now more than ever consider social and economic factors. The modern teacher knows that education is not simply a matter of school and teaching methods. The social economic environment inevitably affects the work of the teacher. Gamonalismo is fundamentally inimical to Indian education: their survival is in maintaining the ignorance of the Indian the same interest in growing alcoholism (8). The modern school, on the assumption that, in current circumstances it would be possible multiply in proportion to the rural school population, is incompatible with the feudal estates. The mechanics of bondage, completely nullify the action of the school, if the same, by a miracle inconceivable within the social reality, managed to preserve in the atmosphere of the manor, its pure educational mission. The most efficient and great normal school could not operate these miracles. The school and the teacher are inevitably doomed to denature under pressure from the feudal atmosphere irreconcilable with the most basic and progressive concept evolved nist of things. When you understand this truth half, saving formula is found in the Indian boarding. But the resounding failure of this formula is shown in all their evidence, just reflecting on the small percentage of the population is indigenous school can stay in these schools.

pedagogical solution advocated by many in perfect good faith, is officially up and discarded. The educationists are, again, those least able to think of it independent of economic and social reality. There is, therefore, at present, but as a vague suggestion and report, which no body and no responsibility doctrine.

The new approach is to find the Indian problem in the land problem.


The population of the Inka Empire, according to conservative estimates, it was not less than ten million. There are those who make it up to twelve and even fifteen million. The Conquest was, above all, a tremendous carnage. The English conquerors, by their small number, they could not impose their rule but to terrorize the indigenous population, which produced a superstitious impression weapons and horses of the invaders, regarded as supernatural beings. The political and economic organization of the colony, which followed the Conquest, did not end the extermination of the indigenous race. The viceroyalty established a system of brutal exploitation. The greed of the precious metals, guided the English economy to the exploitation of mines, under the Incas, had been worked in very modest scale, because of not having the gold and silver but ignore ornamentation and Indians which consisted essentially a village setting, the use of iron. English established for the exploitation of mines and the "mills", an overwhelming system of forced labor and free, which decimated the native population. This well was not reduced only to a state of servitude , As would have happened if the English had been limited to the use of land while retaining the agricultural character of the country, but in large part to a state of slavery. No shortage of humanitarian and civilizing voices took to the King of Spain to defend the father indios.EI Houses effectively excelled in this defense.

The Viceroyalty appears less culpable than the Republic. Corresponds to the Viceroyalty originally all responsibility for the misery and depression of the Indians. But, at the time of the Inquisition, a large Christian voice, the Fray Bartolome de Las Casas, vibrantly defended the Indians against the brutal methods of the colonizers. There has been an advocate in the Republic so effective and so stubborn of the Aboriginal race.

While the Viceroyalty was a medieval regime and foreign, is formally the Republic of Peru and liberal regime. It has, therefore, the Republic did not have duties that viceroyalty. In the Republic we played better the condition of the Indian. And contrary to this duty, has impoverished the Indian Republic has exacerbated your depression and has exacerbated their misery. The Republic has meant to the Indians the rise of a new ruling class that has appropriated their lands systematically. In a race of custom and agricultural soul, as the indigenous race, the takings have been a cause material and moral dissolution. The land has always been all the joy of the Indian. The Indian land has espoused. Feels that "life comes from the earth" and return to earth. Therefore, the indium can be indifferent to everything except the possession of the land his hands and his breath till and fertilize religiously. Creole feudalism has behaved in this respect, more eager and harder than English feudalism. In general, the English had frequently encomendero some habits noble lordship. The Creole encomendero has all the defects of the commoner and none of the virtues of the gentleman. Indian serfdom, in short, has not fallen under the Republic. Rebellions, all the storms of the Indian, have been drowned in blood. A desperate Indian claims they have been given always a martial response. The silence of the highlands has been saved after the tragic secret of these responses. The Republic has been restored, finally, under the title of conscription road mitas regime.

The Republic also is responsible for having lethargic and weakened the powers of the race. The cause of the redemption of India became under the Republic, in a demagogic speculation of some warlords. Creoles parties registered in the program. Decreased and the Indians will fight for their demands.

In the Sierra, the region inhabited mostly by Indians, there remains little changed in its guidelines, the most barbarous and omnipotent feudalism. The domain of the earth placed in the hands of the bosses, the fate of the indigenous race, falling to an extreme degree of depression and ignorance. Besides agriculture, worked very primitively, the Peruvian Andes has another economic activity: mining, almost entirely in the hands of two big U.S. companies. In governing the salaried mine, but the pay is negligible, the defense of worker's life almost zero, the workers' compensation law flouted. The system of "Hitch", which advances through false enslaves the worker, Indians placed at the mercy of these venture capitalists. It is so much misery that condemns the feudal land that the Indians are preferable, however, what they might offer mine.

in Peru propagation of socialist ideas has resulted in a strong movement of indigenous claims. Peruvian new generation feels and knows that the progress of Peru will be fictitious, or at least not in Peru, provided they are not does not mean the work and welfare of the Peruvian mass in four-fifths is indigenous and peasant. The same movement is manifested in art and literature in which national note a growing appreciation forms and indigenous affairs, before depreciating by the dominance of a spirit and English colonial mentality. Indian literature seems destined to fulfill the same function as literature "peasant" in the pre-revolutionary Russia. The Indians themselves are beginning to show signs of a new consciousness. Grows daily coordination between the various Indian groups before incommunicado by the vast distances. Initiated this connection, the regular meeting of indigenous congress, sponsored by the Government, but as the nature of their claims soon became a revolutionary, was denatured after the exclusion of progressive elements and representations cam apocryphal. The current Indian press and official action. For the first time the Government has been forced to accept and proclaim Indian views, dictating some measures that do not touch the interests of the bosses and they are so ineffective. For the first time also the Indian problem, retracting earlier by the rhetoric of the ruling classes, is raised in its social and economic terms, identificándosele primarily with the problem of land. Every day is imposed, with more evidence, the conviction that this problem can not find its solution in a humanitarian formula. Can not be the result of a philanthropic movement. The boards Rabula caciques and are a mockery. Leagues extinct type of Pro-Indian Association is a voice crying in the wilderness. Pro-Indian Association did not arrive in time to become a movement. His action was reduced gradually to generous action, selfless, noble, Peter S. personal Zulen and Dora Mayer. As an experiment, that of Pro-Indian Association was used to compare, measure, moral insensitivity of a generation and an era.

The solution to the problem of the Indian must be a social solution. Its directors should be the Indians. This concept leads to see at the meeting of indigenous congresses fact history. Indigenous congresses, distorted in recent years by the bureaucracy, not yet a program, but their first meetings identified a path communicating with the Indians of different regions. The Indians needed a national link. Their protests have always been regional. This has contributed in large part to his dejection. A town of four million men, conscious of their number, never despair of their future. The same four million men, until they are but an inorganic mass, a crowd dispersed, they are unable to decide its course of history.

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