Friday, November 12, 2010

Satellite Metal Detecting

Evelyn, for your friendship,
for the memories and times gone by.
Andrea, by remoteness, empty spaces
and the times here lived.


- We are a long, love,
're away, I say.
Your voice sounds a melancholy echoes
A lonely, withered silences and absences without limits.

Far, far away ... what is the distance?

There is no greater distance than the proximity
monotonous routine and the sadness that causes me
you With your memories and empty words


Lejanía is full of memories and hidden bodies
Kisses, lips, mouths that leave
desires lonely Fingers, hands, hair, caressing faces

Remoteness is full of empty spaces
years lost in time
months, weeks, days, hours and minutes
Lejanía is full of you and me
Under your forehead and your breasts hidden
Sleeping on your belly and your lap and your thighs.

Lejanía are far
Without a word, without moving his lips
Minutes, thickness, distances and times lived.

Remoteness is very quiet and slow
hidden and asleep and far
Deep and perfect perfume and hurtful

Remoteness is withered,
love Just close your eyes And
do not be scared off
crying and fans the flames


The distance is filled with memories and mortality
your eyes and your body
And your breasts upright and your hands
And your sex hidden

The distance is filled with longing lips to lips that never kissed
mouth you want to
hair lips the wind caress your breasts
gesture opened like petals
Voice hidden, hidden and secret voice
The word I never heard from your lips
The word immortal
The word longed and never delivered.


my love We are far, far We
And you say your voice sounds like melancholy music
silent groans and moans

That withered
That remoteness remoteness
That overwhelms the distance looms the distance
What scares you

"Remoteness? What is the distance? Is the distance lethal? Ah
the distance!
To hell with the distance
love Come and make a deal

Come and give me a hug of love
And they are my last goodbyes

But first love Come
you'll look like a monkey sound
Come, I speak like a parrot speaking and metaphysical
Come, let's make love like two cats in love.


see that I love you I love you
Although your life will be far
absences and full of mysteries Even though I hurt
love with the memories and empty words
And although you do not have love, but do not have

I love love love you.



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