Monday, May 25, 2009

Limestone Tiles Good Or Bad

Definiéndote-defined. Cakes Lee

S oñar and fly free,
are not the same thing, but they seem

As you look like the earth,
fresh and timeless.

I tell you possess the qualities of animal.
, as I like .-

You pick up the solemnity of the horse,
the greatness of the albatross,
the strength of the ant,
the beauty of the cat.

And your skin is chinchillesca,
and your face,

all yours.

I remember the sweet cake that I make.
the taste of roasted
the scent of freesias,
the Sunday rest.

I have the appetite to just remind you.
It seems to me your flesh, desire

Te tragaré para absorber tu exquisitez.
Y así yo...

Me pareceré a la tierra,
fresca y eterna.

Me dirás que poseo cualidades de animal,
-como a ti te gusta-

que recojo la solemnidad del caballo,
la grandeza del albatros,
la fuerza de la hormiga,
la belleza del gato.

Y mi piel es chinchillesca,
y mi rostro,

solo mío.

Que te recuerdo al dulce pastel que te hago,
al sabor del asado, al perfume de las frésias,
y al domingo de descanso.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

List Of Mythical Humanoids

45X55 cm
Oil on canvas.

18 Weeks Pregnant Itching

Patel. April 2009 65x54 cm
Oil on canvas.