Saturday, April 18, 2009

Vegeta E Bulma Hentay

The contortionist

Ink china sobre papel.


How To Increase My Processor Speed

Man and trash in a more idyllic dream

Hombre y basura en un sueño idílico.

Oleo sobre tela

130X 90 cm


Building Outboard Motor Mount

Something about love.


l wind caresses my face now, I bring your perfume
and I feel closer
that when you possess.

makes me añorarte,
and so pure and ethereal

fills my inside which the wind.

Lies It is nice love

mystical, spiritually, but you

love you above or below or within

raw and hungry!

Now the wind brings me back your memory
while I spoil my sad

silly thoughts and I stroked her hair while I sleep, in dreams



Thursday, April 16, 2009

Phamton Periods And Perimenopaus

(oil on canvas and measures 60x50 double frame)

is a painting to give to a friend Yogi, is related to power those circuits that are obtained with the Yoga .
I hope you like, to me has made me very excited to paint, though she still has not seen since it is cool and is drying . I have the intrigue of whether they will enjoy or not. ..?
I hope to have successful, we'll see ...