Thursday, December 3, 2009

Anti Adipose Tea Sanye Pregnancy

yours or mine car.

Retrato, tuyo o mío, auto.
Agosto 2009 46 X 33cm
Óleo sobre tela.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Average Eye Exam Cost


This has cost me a lot of work and has not been as I wanted. The question of glasses and the position of the girl's face and challenged me then came the complications.
I think you need water but that is what you get.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

How Much Does It Cost To Get A Weave


has fallen tyranny of time for me. I managed to bend it!
now live forever. There is no tomorrow if I do not want. Owner
whole of me, turn back and will advance in time to my will.
return to my best years to revive them, and go to visit you where you have not yet arrived.
The memory is not necessary, and the uncertainty is removed from my vocabulary. Destroy

I Am Bored Of Poptropica

clock without hands.

removing the rush the hands of all clocks.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Waxing Pubic Hair Lymphoma

Feelings matter. Try 1

Neither words nor gestures, or the facts are able to translate such invaluable information. How to explain? I want to share, but do not get full. Both
feel great feeling, is not understood because it has no dimension, but it should be possible!
not written or spoken, or executed, means. So ... How do you understand? How to make you understand? Too much love
fit into a single body.
We must find a way to transform feelings matter to see its volume, weigh and tell you in numbers, to understand better.

Any magic formula? frog legs and rose petals, drops of heaven and menstrual blood. Or, some purging ritual that makes drop this cluster of feelings, and so incalculable grant you that great monument that you deserve. Ana
We will ask that we manufacture the machine.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Toothpaste And Abrasive Cleaner


This watercolor I've done faster ... Unretouched too. I tried to make it more loose .

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Where Do They Sell Wonderballs

The Reflecting pool

(Watercolor 50x45 cm.)

The pool and reflexes have been a challenge for me, the truth is that cost me a lot, has not been easy, but I'm still learning.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Bunny Curtain Holdbacks

(Watercolor 40x30 cm)

found this picture and thought provoking. I took the watercolors and this is what came out.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Why Is My Overflow Leaking

of flying.

June 2009.
130 X 97 cm.

Oil on canvas.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Homemade Stereo Receiver

Envy. Cannibal

Ah! Sour and withered envy. Envy
which you enjoy.
Here, I am your slave and do what you say.
Ah! moralizing slut that oppress my reveldía!

But I can fly,
and get away, where you do not you follow me.
Out of reach, I can insult!

I'm not like you, nor ever will be.
not admonish me about this because I am immune to your arguments.
not do, or what I do! And I do the best I can!

that I'm angry at your back.
The ridicule you when you're not.
hypocritical am that you have created.

Even after I change my mind,
enjoy insulting.
leave free the lion,
the beast, caged forever.

lamb under my body, there is a monster
voracious sick hatred. More
ashamed of his roaring callus
and smiles.

How Md80 Get The Nickname Mad Dog



S ocávame if necessary,
seeking what was not said.
As in a game of infants
that only you can access.

Login or salt,
dependiendo de la partida que quieras seguir.
Encuentra la ambrosía rajando mi vientre.
Mátame si es necesario!

Descuartiza mi cadáver,
¡encuéntrame el alma!
Despójame de mi carne, y


The Renderers – Monsters And Miasmas

I'm not myself.


And or
not me.

am you,
and filtering it for you.

I'm nothing.
'm a mess de tonteces.

Soy la cara que quieras ver.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Can I Turn A Old Dish Antenna Into A Cb Antenna?


Gouache sobre papel.
21 X 29 cm

Monday, May 25, 2009

Limestone Tiles Good Or Bad

Definiéndote-defined. Cakes Lee

S oñar and fly free,
are not the same thing, but they seem

As you look like the earth,
fresh and timeless.

I tell you possess the qualities of animal.
, as I like .-

You pick up the solemnity of the horse,
the greatness of the albatross,
the strength of the ant,
the beauty of the cat.

And your skin is chinchillesca,
and your face,

all yours.

I remember the sweet cake that I make.
the taste of roasted
the scent of freesias,
the Sunday rest.

I have the appetite to just remind you.
It seems to me your flesh, desire

Te tragaré para absorber tu exquisitez.
Y así yo...

Me pareceré a la tierra,
fresca y eterna.

Me dirás que poseo cualidades de animal,
-como a ti te gusta-

que recojo la solemnidad del caballo,
la grandeza del albatros,
la fuerza de la hormiga,
la belleza del gato.

Y mi piel es chinchillesca,
y mi rostro,

solo mío.

Que te recuerdo al dulce pastel que te hago,
al sabor del asado, al perfume de las frésias,
y al domingo de descanso.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

List Of Mythical Humanoids

45X55 cm
Oil on canvas.

18 Weeks Pregnant Itching

Patel. April 2009 65x54 cm
Oil on canvas.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Vegeta E Bulma Hentay

The contortionist

Ink china sobre papel.


How To Increase My Processor Speed

Man and trash in a more idyllic dream

Hombre y basura en un sueño idílico.

Oleo sobre tela

130X 90 cm


Building Outboard Motor Mount

Something about love.


l wind caresses my face now, I bring your perfume
and I feel closer
that when you possess.

makes me añorarte,
and so pure and ethereal

fills my inside which the wind.

Lies It is nice love

mystical, spiritually, but you

love you above or below or within

raw and hungry!

Now the wind brings me back your memory
while I spoil my sad

silly thoughts and I stroked her hair while I sleep, in dreams



Thursday, April 16, 2009

Phamton Periods And Perimenopaus

(oil on canvas and measures 60x50 double frame)

is a painting to give to a friend Yogi, is related to power those circuits that are obtained with the Yoga .
I hope you like, to me has made me very excited to paint, though she still has not seen since it is cool and is drying . I have the intrigue of whether they will enjoy or not. ..?
I hope to have successful, we'll see ...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Play Pokemon Red Online Free Mac

A vote on the obscene. A large


V omit anything because I have no more inside.

Fuck all
because I'm embarrassed not crap at all,
and because to nothing
deserves a lot of fertilizer.

because these words are to be used.

share them with everyone,
for everyone.



When Does Bulma And Vegeta Hook Up



O s odio
me odio,
como rebaño de mierda que somos.

Os odio, avinagrados malcriados
que os creéis preeminentes.

Me odio por pensar esto de nosotros.

Barahúnda of infected insects
each in their filthy shit bubble,
everyone involved in this stinking aura.

drowned to the pure souls.

And still laugh thinking ourselves sublime
civilized beings, distinguished.

I hate
I hate to think this of us.


Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cystic Fibrosis Sayings

Student mudra energy

Oil on canvas measures 55 x 46 cm.

's not what you intended, but what I can do.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Glory Holes Long Island

Oil on board 51 x 61 cm.

I finally finished this painting I started four or five months ago , had me bored and finally got the courage to face him again and so I stayed.
As usual I'm not satisfied, but this is what I have done.

comments that do them, although they are welcome to correct.